Friday, January 15, 2021

Message to a blue-checkmark-type: Being poor means the economy doesn't bother me.


I know I sometimes hint at finding a research/analysis job with you or [-] or whoever [RESUME REDACTED].

But one big advantage to my current [TIME] blue-collar [employment] gig is that the economy doesn't impact me the way it does folks with six-figure incomes. Getting well-to-do is not a priority with me, or possibility for me. Missouri has a lower cost of living, and the new Leftist-socialist movement will guarantee room and board for me and the cat in old age. Throw in a revolver (even South Africa allows "one gun per lifetime," and a lot of liberals want at least that), and I'm happy personally. This really has been about my country and my people (and RKBA). I hate the fall of America and Western civilization. And if Missouri goes Federalist 46, I'm there! Per being "lawfully summoned," of course. But, if our people decide to do it, I can still say I did what was given to me to do.

"Just tell me how much fuel and ammo are gonna cost, and I'm done with economic matters." -- Me.