Friday, November 20, 2020

Dealing with insurrection narratives -- Useful but incomplete (no Fed46), retweeted by Clare Lopez.

The conclusion is optimistic, ignoring the likely need for some degree of Federalist 46 effort by States under the leadership of President Trump. But useful info in dealing with the PSYOPS effort by the insurrection.


Political warfare is the mainline attack, exactly - street violence is its enforcement mechanism

Something everyone should really understand. "Narratives" in the Political Warfare/Color Revo sphere are Weapons. They aren't just rumors or accusations. They are designed specifically to achieve a outcomes. They use specific forms to "negate" you, a Dialectic Attack. 
While that is complicated the end result is simple. If you "dialogue" w/ a Narrative attack, you loose. They will beat your argument w/ information you are unable to refute, characterize what you say (spin), or out right lie,just to name a few. 
But even if you "win" the battle of wits, you ultimately loose. You are validating them. The only way to win a Narrative battle, is to not engage them on THEIR terms, with the "words that work". Much is being made of fake news. All day long nothing but outrage here about it. 
By watching them, you are participating, engaging in their dialogue. They are influencing you if by only making you angry. Don't watch, don't dialogue w/ Narrative Experts. You will loose. It is more than ignoring a problem. It is imperative you "actively" choose to ignore them. 
This will take away some of their power & influence. Last point. There is so much active Dis-information being sent at the Trump Legal Team & MAGA it is mind boggling. Folks want info & they want it now. This is where the disinfo gains traction & velocity. We all are susceptible 
There are sophisticated Narrative Engineered attacks directed specifically at Trump's Legal Team. They are MASSIVE. Coming from inside & outside of Gov. These attacks are designed to discredit her, thus discrediting the overall Fraud. Don't be discouraged. 
There was fraud. You have seen it in real time. There is sufficient enough information available to justify performing an Audit. Getting all "tech" is a recipe for disaster. Proving that will take time we don't have. There are enough old fashion fraudulent votes for Trump to win 
The immediate goal should be & accept nothing less: Audit The Paper Ballots. The technical fraud will be hard to prove quickly. If something that was said by our side proves not to be true, don't be discouraged. That is the result of a Disinfo OP. The enemy is good at them. 
There was massive fraud. That will be easy to find. Audit the Paper Ballots. One person, one vote. Dates & signatures, voter roles. Do this we win. Investigate/Litigate the software, server issues after we hit 270. Focus on the Paper & Audit the Paper Ballots.

Just sayin.

The naivete of hicks.

You will probably have to go to the conversation on Twitter or save the picture to your device and enlarge to read. These pages don't do pictures large, apparently.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

J. MIchael Waller summary-transcription of 19 NOV 2020 Trump campaign legal team press conference. (UPDATED 01:44 CST 20 NOV 2020)

Here's the full 92-minute CSPAN video of the news conference of President Trump's legal team, outlining a fraud campaign "specifically focused on big cities" "that have a long history of corruption."

2) Quick thread of quotes that I'm transcribing while watching the video.

RG: "As we started investigating .... it's not a singular voter fraud in one state. This pattern repeats itself in a number of states. Almost exactly the same pattern." 
3) RG: Pattern suggests "there was a plan from a centralized place to execute ... voter fraud, specifically focused on big cities, and specifically focused on ... big cities controlled by Democrats, and particularly focused on big cities that have a long history of corruption." 
4) RG: "The number of voter fraud cases in Philadelphia could fill a library.... The only surprise I would have found in this is if Philadelphia hadn't cheated in this election, because for the last 60 years they've cheated in just about every single election." 
5) RG: "You could say the same thing about Detroit. Each one of these cities ... are controlled by Democrats, which means that ... they have a certain degree of control ... of the election board completely, and they control law enforcement & ... they have some friendly judges..." 
6) RG: "In Pennsylvania, the margin of victory now for Biden, which is not a victory; it's a fraud, is 69,140 votes. The reality is that we are now at a count of 682,770 ballots for which we have affidavits that there was no inspection of that ballot at the time it was entered... 
7) RG: How the fraudsters revealed themselves: "One of them was pushing out the public inspectors. Every state, almost every civilized country...have rules about inspectors, particularly for mail-in ballots...because they can more easily be defrauded and you can't check on them." 
8) @RudyGiuliani details fraud patterns with specifics, including 15,000 people in Pittsburgh who "walked in to vote and they had already voted according to the Democrat election machine." Sworn witnesses say political "bosses" had "instructed" them to fill out others' ballots. 
9) RG: Observers were put in "corral" so they couldn't observe the vote count. Sixty signed affidavits where "They swear that they weren't allowed to carry out their function as inspectors."

This was mostly with mail-in ballots to help Biden "win." 
10) RG to journalists: "I know you keep reporting - falsely - that we have no evidence. That we have no specific acts of fraud. That's because the coverage of this has been almost as dishonest as the scheme itself." (14:42) 
11) RG to journalists: "The American people have a right to know this. You don't have a right to keep it from them. You don't have a right to lie about it. And you are." 
12) RG says he will give some names of sworn witnesses but "I can't give you all these affidavits because if I do, these people will be harassed, they'll be threatened, they may lose their job, they will lose their friends." 
13) RG to journalists: "We've lost lawyers in this case because they've been threatened. We've had lawyers that need protection. What's going on in this country is horrible. And the censorship you're imposing is making it worse." 
14) RG cites a specific sworn witness by name, Jessie Jacob, a Democrat Detroit city employee who he says was "trained to cheat." She said she was instructed "to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier than when they were actually sent in." 
15) RG: "By the way, this is public. You can all get it."

Detroit city employee swore she was instructed not to ask for a voter's photo ID. "Why would you not ask for identification? Because you knew that a lot of people not entitled to vote are going to come in and early vote." 
16) RG: In Philadelphia, many people come in from Camden NJ to vote. "It's allowed to happen because it is a Democrat, corrupt city. And has been for years.... And they carried it out in places they could get away with it...." (18:24) 
17) "They didn't carry it out in neutral places. They didn't carry it out in Republican places. They didn't carry it out where the law is respected. They carried it out in a corrupt city where the district attorney releases criminals en masse, which is why it has so much crime." 
18) Summary of RG: Witness says she was instructed by election officials not to invalidate any ballots or look for any ballot deficiencies, or look for signatures on absentee ballots. On Nov 4, she was instructed "to improperly pre-date the absentee ballots" received after 11/3. 
19) RG: 220 affidavits from Michigan. "What they swear to is that 4:30 in the morning a truck pulled up to the Detroit center" with 50,000 to 100,000 ballots in garbage cans, paper bags, and boxes, along with "an employee of Dominion." "These were ballots only for Biden." 
20) RG: "These ballots were produced very quickly, very swiftly." Many were triple-counted. At least 300,000 votes were fraudulently cast in this fashion in Michigan, and those swung the election in that state. 
21) RG: Similar patterns and fraud processes took place in Wisconsin, particularly Milwaukee where the law is strict. Wisconsin does not allow mail-in ballots. Absentee ballots require voters to apply in person. 60,000 in Milwaukee Co, and 40,000 in Madison Co w/o applications. 
22) RG: "If you count the lawful votes, Trump won Wisconsin."

"If you count the lawful votes in Pennsylvania, he won by about 300,000 votes." 
23) @RudyGiuliani on "overvotes." When more votes are cast than there are voters.

In MI & WI, "we have overvotes in numerous precincts of 150%, 200%, and 300%."

High overvotes were found in about 2/3 of the precincts in Detroit. 
24) RG: "We have precincts in which two times the number of people who live there, including children, voted." 
25) RG: In Georgia, especially Atlanta, the same patterns were found. Republican observers were unable to observe; numerous double voters, out of state voters, intimidation and changes of vote.

Big fraud problems found in Arizona, New Mexico, Virginia. 
26) Evidence that fraud actions nationwide were centrally planned.

RG: "That's the reason why Hillary Clinton said, 'don't concede even if you're losing.' That's the reason we had a freudian slip by the candidate when he said he had the best voter fraud team in the country." 
27) @SidneyPowell1 describes foreign involvement in the collection, counting, and tabulation of our votes. Starts at 38:26 of this video of the November 18, 2020 news conference.
28) SP describes "Massive influence of Communist money through Venezuela, Cuba, and likely China, and the interference with our elections here in the United States" and how the Dominion system was built on instructions Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez to make sure he won. 
29) RG: "We use largely a Venezuelan voting machine, in essence, to count our vote. If we let this happen, we're going to become Venezuela ... We cannot allow these crooks... to steal an election from the American people." 
30) @RudyGiuliani: "Our ballots get calculated, many of them, outside the United States. And are completely open to hacking, completely open to change, and it's being done by a company that specializes in voter fraud." 
31) @SidneyPowell1: "The Dominion Voting Systems, the Smartmatic technology software and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well, not just Dominion, were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez to make sure he never lost an election" 
32) SP: "Stunning detailed" affidavit of a witness to explain how it works from someone who "was with Hugo Chavez when he saw it operate to make sure the election came out his way. That was the express purpose for creating this software...." 
33) SP: "As soon as he saw the multiple states shut down the voting on the night of the election, he [the witness] knew the same thing was happening here.... The software itself was created with so many variables and so many back doors ...." 
34) SP: "... one of its most characteristic features is its ability to flip votes. It can set and run an algorithm that probably ran all over the country to take a certain percentage of votes from President Trump and flipped them to [vice] president Biden." 
35) SP: The larger than expected votes for Trump outpaced the algorithm's function and "caused them to have to shut down ... that's when they came in the back door with all the mail-in ballots, many of which they had actually fabricated..." 
36) "...some of which were on pristine paper, with identically matching, perfect circled dots for Mr. Biden. Others were shoved in in batches...and people would rerun the same batch. That corresponds to our statistical evidence that shows incredible spikes in the vote counts..." 
37) Why are America's votes being tabulated on machines and technology owned by foreign countries and offshore entities?

Canada, Cuba, Spain, Venezuela, United Kingdom 
38) @SidneyPowell1 at 42:06 Smartmatic is a foreign company that acquired the US Sequoia voting machine company and should have been screened by CFIUS for national security purposes. Controlling interest in Smartmatic is Venezuelan; company won't disclose its other shareholders. 
39) SP: Sequoia recorded over 125,000,000 votes during 2004 American elections, then was bought by the Venezuelans. Smartmatic owners "are hidden through a web of offshore private entities." Smartmatic is close to Venezuelan regime & Maduro uses the system. 
40 SP "Smartmatic's possible connection to Venezuelan government poses a potential national security concern in the context of its acquisition of Sequoia because electronic voting machines are susceptible to tampering & insiders are in best position to engage in such tampering." 
41) @SidneyPowell1 (SP): Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) wrote the above comments on October 6, 2006, over concern about Venezuelan ownership, control, and influence over Sequoia voting m80) @RudyGiuliani: "The only lawyer that left a case left because he was threatened. His family was threatened. His children were threatened. And so was the other lawyer ... We have a little difficulty getting lawyers. Because our lawyers get threatened with being killed." 
achines. @RepMaloney 
42) SP: "Senators Klobuchar and Warren have raised these concerns as recently as December 2019.

"Why our government has not taken them seriously is beyond my comprehension unless ... some of the three-letter agencies have used them themselves in other parts of the world." 
43) @SidneyPowell1: "Speaking of Smartmatic's leadership, one of the Smartmatic patent holders ... is ... recorded in a conversation with Antifa members, saying that he had the election rigged for Mr. Biden ... and ... they were going to 'F' Trump." (45:17) 
44) SP: "Dominion ... is utilized in 2,000 jurisdictions in 30 states. It has been uncertifiable in multiple states who realized all the problems that it had, including Texas."

Princeton professors voiced concern about "end-user vulnerabilities" to change vote counting. 
45) SP: "It's not just the swing states that were affected. The algorithm was likely run across the country to affect the entire election.... We have evidence of different numbers of votes being injected into the system, the same identical unique six-digit number multiple times" 
46) SP: "The software manual itself ... specifically advertises some of these things as features of the system. Why it was ever allowed into this country is beyond my comprehension, and why nobody has dealt with it is absolutely appalling." 
47) SP "The software has a feature [by] which you can drag & drop any number of batches of votes to the candidate of your choice or simply throw them away ... we have mathematical evidence ... of massive quantities of Trump votes being trashed...and Biden votes being injected." 
48) SP: Smartmatic was used to manipulate the vote in Argentina and sold to other countries for the specific purpose of manipulating the votes, @SidneyPowell1 says. 
49) SP: The machines were easily accessible to hackers, there's video ... that will explain to you how a kid with a cell phone can hack one of these voting machines. There's been no oversight of Dominion or its software." 
50) SP: "There's the algorithm that runs that automatically flips all the votes & each operator has the ability to go in and override settings, ... ignore signature ... ignore the top line of the ballot, they can go down ballot and select who they want to change the results for." 
51) SP: "There's evidence of different benefits being provided to the people who spent $100 million of taxpayer money at the last minute for their state to get the Dominion voting systems put in in time for this election." [Is this the CARES pandemic money that Pelosi inserted?] 
52) Jenna Ellis teaches pushy reporters about the complexity of being court reporters. (52:11)
53) "We have been asked to provide an entire case that generally would take years in civil litigation," says Jenna Ellis. "We are not trying our case in the court of public opinion," she adds, ripping journalists for unfairness and bias. "The facts matter. The truth matters." 
54) "This is an opening statement. This is something where we have told you what the evidence will show, and we have given a brief description. That happens in a courtroom all the time... That is just an overview," Jenna Ellis says. 
55) "When we talk about voter fraud, it's actually election official fraud.... The Constitution requires that the state legislatures are the ones that make election law.... what has happened in this case is that state & local officials, & all the way up, have changed the rules." 
56) Jenna Ellis: "If the United States caves to corruption or this type of election integrity disaster, then no election will be secure from here on out.... This is ultimately about the United States of America." (58:25) 
57) @SidneyPowell1: "This is the consummate foreign interference in our election in the most criminal way you can possibly imagine. It must be shut down." 
58) SP: "We know ... that one of Dominion's highest level ... officers went to Detroit himself to man the Detroit operations center where he could watch the votes coming in real time and decide real time and decide what file folder in the system to put those votes into...." 
59) "... That's why you see massive spikes after hours when people were told that all the votes were in and all the votes were counted," says @SidneyPowell1
60) @RudyGiuliani: "What we keep reading and that we have no evidence, we have no specifics.... Whether you agree or disagree with an affidavit, it's evidence ... you're just lying to the American people when you say there's no evidence." 
61) RG: "You should be more astounded by the fact that our votes are counted in Germany and in Spain by a company owned by affiliates of Chavez and Maduro [in Venezuela]." 
62) @RudyGiuliani: "Very, very serious matter of national security.... There isn't a single person in this country that would have believed that we have states that are stupid enough to have our vote sent out of this country...." 
63) @RudyGiuliani: "... You couldn't possibly believe that the company ... with control over our vote is owned by two Venezuelans who were allies of Chavez, are present allies of Maduro ...." 
64) "... with a company whose chairman who is a close associate and business partner of George Soros, the biggest donor to the Democrat party, the biggest donor to Antifa, and the biggest donor to Black Lives Matter." 
65) @RudyGiuliani: "I have no idea where the FBI has been four the last four years. Explain to me how the FBI concealed a memo in the hand of Brennan to Obama saying that Hillary basically made up the Russian collusion plot.... I don't know where they've been." 
66) @RudyGiuliani: "I don't know where they [FBI] were on the hard drive. They got it eight, ten months ago. There are clear crimes revealed on it. Didn't do anything with it. I don't know where they are now...." 
67) "Our country has had its ballots counted, calculated and manipulated in a foreign country with a company controlled by friends of an enemy of the United States. What do we have to do to get the FBI to wake up? Maybe we need a new agency to protect us." @RudyGiuliani 
68) @SidneyPowell1: "The same day registration causes problems with the vote signature and the registration itself. That's a whole different system that makes it impossible, really, to validate the signature." 
69) Reporter: "Is the country ready for this? ... Is the country on the verge of an electoral breakdown?"

@SidneyPowell1: "We've already had it. We have already had that electoral breakdown. But the Constitution, as Jenna explains, has provisions in it for how you fix this." 
70) My comment: The basic evidence reported in this news conference appears to explain why Joe Biden was confident enough to stay in his basement and do so little campaigning. 
71) @RudyGiuliani: "Democrats have been doing this for years on a small scale. When they passed the mail-in voter statute ... they realized they could have a field day. They could do precisely what Jimmy Carter and Secretary Baker warned us about." 
72) @RudyGiuliani: "All you have to do is own an election board and you can get away with it." 
73) @RudyGiuliani: "This has been a massive attack on the integrity of the voting system of the greatest democracy on Earth. The people who did this have committed one of the worst crimes that I've ever seen or observed." 
74) @RudyGiuliani: "They have trashed the right to vote. They've dishonored the right to vote. They've destroyed the right to vote in their greed for power and money. There's no doubt about it. This was not an individual idea of ten or twelve Democrat bosses. This is a plan." 
75) @RudyGiuliani (1:20:11) "They do the same thing in exactly the same way in 10 big Democrat-controlled, in most cases, crooked cities." 
76) @RudyGiuliani: "And when I say crooked city, go look at how many of their officials have gone to jail in the last 20, or 30, or 40, or 50, or 60 years that they have dominated and destroyed those cities. They picked the places where they could get away with it." 
77) RG: "The minute I saw that it was the same thing in ten states, just using logic, I said this can't be an accident. What I was surprised about was the dimension of it. Not inspecting almost 700,000 ballots is astounding." 
78) RG: "They didn't come and tell me [hypothetically as MI gov] that my state was going to be embarrassed, made a fool of, because I'm sending my votes of people in Michigan over to Germany to be counted by a company that's owned by people who are allies of Maduro and Chavez?" 
79) RG: "By the way, Carolyn Maloney who wrote that is my congresswoman. A Democrat pointed that out." 
80) @RudyGiuliani: "The only lawyer that left a case left because he was threatened. His family was threatened. His children were threatened. And so was the other lawyer ... We have a little difficulty getting lawyers. Because our lawyers get threatened with being killed."