Friday, November 20, 2020

Dealing with insurrection narratives -- Useful but incomplete (no Fed46), retweeted by Clare Lopez.

The conclusion is optimistic, ignoring the likely need for some degree of Federalist 46 effort by States under the leadership of President Trump. But useful info in dealing with the PSYOPS effort by the insurrection.


Political warfare is the mainline attack, exactly - street violence is its enforcement mechanism

Something everyone should really understand. "Narratives" in the Political Warfare/Color Revo sphere are Weapons. They aren't just rumors or accusations. They are designed specifically to achieve a outcomes. They use specific forms to "negate" you, a Dialectic Attack. 
While that is complicated the end result is simple. If you "dialogue" w/ a Narrative attack, you loose. They will beat your argument w/ information you are unable to refute, characterize what you say (spin), or out right lie,just to name a few. 
But even if you "win" the battle of wits, you ultimately loose. You are validating them. The only way to win a Narrative battle, is to not engage them on THEIR terms, with the "words that work". Much is being made of fake news. All day long nothing but outrage here about it. 
By watching them, you are participating, engaging in their dialogue. They are influencing you if by only making you angry. Don't watch, don't dialogue w/ Narrative Experts. You will loose. It is more than ignoring a problem. It is imperative you "actively" choose to ignore them. 
This will take away some of their power & influence. Last point. There is so much active Dis-information being sent at the Trump Legal Team & MAGA it is mind boggling. Folks want info & they want it now. This is where the disinfo gains traction & velocity. We all are susceptible 
There are sophisticated Narrative Engineered attacks directed specifically at Trump's Legal Team. They are MASSIVE. Coming from inside & outside of Gov. These attacks are designed to discredit her, thus discrediting the overall Fraud. Don't be discouraged. 
There was fraud. You have seen it in real time. There is sufficient enough information available to justify performing an Audit. Getting all "tech" is a recipe for disaster. Proving that will take time we don't have. There are enough old fashion fraudulent votes for Trump to win 
The immediate goal should be & accept nothing less: Audit The Paper Ballots. The technical fraud will be hard to prove quickly. If something that was said by our side proves not to be true, don't be discouraged. That is the result of a Disinfo OP. The enemy is good at them. 
There was massive fraud. That will be easy to find. Audit the Paper Ballots. One person, one vote. Dates & signatures, voter roles. Do this we win. Investigate/Litigate the software, server issues after we hit 270. Focus on the Paper & Audit the Paper Ballots.

Just sayin.