Friday, December 4, 2020

Traitors in the Minnesota ARNG--and how to handle them.

From "National Guard chaplains reflect on Floyd protests, lessons learned" (28 NOV 2020)

Sam Houston, a Baptist pastor and the Minnesota National Guard’s only Black chaplain, said he saw protesters taunting some African American guard members — and heard soldiers agonize about wishing they could stand with demonstrators.

“You’re providing the opportunity for people to protest peacefully for you,” Houston advised them, adding that their role in serving was to ensure a safe environment.

SOLUTION: These Black Guardsmen, along with their supportive chaplain, should be interned at hard labor while awaiting their public execution. Trials are fine, though in the context of the coming civil war, they need not be too formal. Give the traitors thirty seconds to offer a defense, then when five seconds into it they go all savage, pop them right then.
