Monday, December 28, 2020

My comment on a video about the ammo shortage.


Okay, let's put this together:

1. Dems seek to steal the election and impose gun control. 2. Gun owners buy more ammo for guns likely to be banned. 3. People like me say to stop the Steal by urging State governments to resist it, per Federalist 46. 4. Gun owners reject that; buy more ammo for guns to be banned. 5. Dems inaugurated; announce quick actions. 6. People like me repeat our statement, while gun owners still have "those" guns. 7. Gun owners reject that again, but can't buy more ammo because sales are curtailed. 8. Dem govt pack SCOTUS, overturn Heller. 9. People like me repeat our statement. 10. Gun owners blame those elected leaders who ARE trying to stop it, even though they themselves had done nothing to push their State governments to oppose the Steal.
11. Dem government begins compulsory buys and confiscations of "those" guns. 12. While a few idiots might try something stupid, most gun owners wonder why there is no serious resistance to the tyranny. 13. People like me call for people to demand Federalist 46 action one last time. 14. Gun owners reject that one last time; turn in "those" guns. AND CRY LIKE BABIES. 15. Many of those same gun owners yell, "Conspiracy!" when the knowledge to stop it had been given to them. 16. A FEW apologize to people like me for not listening, begging to know what to do. 17. People like me point out that the only realistic action is to try by law or amendment to secure some remaining guns for baseline self-defense. 18. Those few gun owners reject that like petulant children: "WE WANT *ALL* OUR GUNS!"
19. People like me finally have to laugh: "Beggars can't be choosers." 20. SOME TIME LATER: Former gun owners say to themselves, "Everyday I look at my empty gun cabinet and wonder, how did we lose all our guns?!" Folks, if you didn't have a baseline supply of ammo six months ago, it's your own stupid fault. STOP TRYING TO GET AMMO, AND START TRYING TO GET YOUR STATE GOVERNMENTS TO OPPOSE THE STEAL! READ FEDERALIST 46! RESISTANCE TO FEDERAL TYRANNY IS A STATE MATTER!

"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of." -- James Madison, 4th POTUS and "Father of the Constitution."

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