Friday, December 25, 2020

Go "fudd" for now: Gun buying today.

In 2013, people were buying ARs at inflated prices for investment. One of my best friends had a $1200 offer sight-unseen through a third party for a homebuild AR not worth $600. It was only ARs--and thus done as a collectors' effort, not a preparatory one--as is evidenced by how AKs, other AWs (legal term), and other arms were decidedly NOT subjected to the same race to buy. The funny part, and I said this at the time, is that the legislation being feared then would have made their collected items worthless, save for Fair Market Value, and only transferrable to the government (no collector sales, no trades, no inheritance). Those people buying were the arrogant stern-voiced know-it-alls too stupid to pay attention and realize it wasn't like the 1994 ban. Had it passed--and I suspect they hoped it would--they'd have had their financial asses handed to them. And I would have laughed.

Today, people are in some cases smarter, as the buying rush includes non-AWs. Some folks are legitimately trying to arm themselves with things that won't be in an initial gun grab by a Harris/Biden administration, if they are successful with the Election Steal. I've even noticed low-cap mags (10rds and under) are LESS available than standard/hi-caps. So some people are thinking ahead and seeking what they will be able to keep without paying $200 per. Yet, AW-type items are still selling heavily. Perhaps they are willing to pay the $200. Perhaps they are planning to bury them (remember, you'd be a fool to use them without paying). But I can't help but think there are a few fools out there who are pulling to same brain fart those folks in 2013 did. So, folks, go minimalist--"fudd": A good revolver (maybe even a single-action rod-eject) should be your base RKBA item. Since Y2K and 9/11, there has been some legitimate gain among liberals for RKBA. Sandy Hook killed a lot of it, but the baseline, ".38 beside the bed" has stuck to some degree. If you want long "combat" guns, keep a good manual-action full-power rifle (even if sporterized). A lever-action PCC for home defense isn't the worst choice, but it's still more susceptible today than a handgun to eventual ban. Home-defense shotguns are arguably better than rifles/carbines--though I'm not much on shotguns--as liberals have long used them to argue against AWs for such purposes. But again, the revolver is your best bet for longevity if the Election Steal happens. Remember, under Harris/Biden, 2A will be effectively gone. SCOTUS will be packed. Perhaps a 28A with a narrower RKBA could be negotiated, but frankly, too many in the pro-RKBA community are so purist and too self-willed that they'd try to sabotage that effort to secure base-level RKBA... in the name of RKBA. But it's possible. Whatever the outcome, go fudd now: Manual action long guns and low-caps; a revolver backup to any semi-auto handguns.