Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Interesting tweet thread on election aftermath: "Thread – Trump Donors Doxxed" -- Food for thought, take for what it's worth, and be prepared.

First tweet: https://twitter.com/STUinSD/status/1321124110152437767

Thread unroll: https://twitter.com/threadreaderapp/status/1321207679566663681

Thread – Trump Donors Doxxed

1. If you've donated to Trump, you've likely been doxxed! The venomous Left has created a website that lists every Trump donor and targets them as a racist. 
2. Previously, per election finance law, your name and donation amount was public information. Now, the Left has linked that info up to the donor’s address and a digitized map of the donor’s home location. Check it out:
3. The social media link above posts the donor’s name, contribution amount, full address and visual map data to your home. The implication is clear: You will likely be targeted for intimidation and probable harm by leftist thugs such as Antifa/BLM. 
4. This is very important, a very real threat to all people. This is the blueprint for the "enemies lists" that will be promulgated and acted upon viciously by the Dementiacrats if they come to power in the Executive Branch.
5. That will include Comey/Holder-styled FBI and Dept of Justice investigations, IRS auditing and harassment, and yes, AntiFa and BLM mobs coming to your neighborhood to "take your white privilege away!" 
6. No doubt they will also use GOP voter registration lists, too. Some of those nifty algorithms used by the leftist partisan players in info tech giants Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and the social media giants like Twitter and FaceBook …. 
6A. … also can and will be used to identify you and your political dissent from the Marxist socialist Dementiacrat Party line. So much for the First Amendment! 
7. The fraudulent election cheating is only the first part of their plan! The second part is stirring up chaos via their Brownshirts in the streets. You are witnessing the beginning implementation of a totalitarian surveillance state in the US by the Left. Scary! 
8. Of greatest interest will be violent or threatening displays of force outside of Washington DC to intimidate voters, and I sure as Hell ain't describing perpetrators on the Right by this. 
9. A peaceful concession by the Dementiacrats and a peaceful retention of legal constitutional power by the Trump Administration has the proverbial snowball's chance in Hell. 
10. Did anyone notice how the violent riots, arson, and looting across Dementiacrat cities all of a sudden magically stopped (except in Portland) when the Democrats realized they were losing millions of moderate voters and reinforcing Trump's law-and-order message? 
11. How could this happen so rapidly unless from the very beginning the Dementiacrats were in fact inciting, supporting, and yes, CONTROLLING the violence and destruction? 
12. If they hit the "Pause" button for a while for the past month, then on and after November 3rd they will certainly again hit the "Start" button and turn it up to full power to renew the violence and fear if the election doesn't go according to their fraudulent plans. 
13. In the very near future, all Dementiacrat-run big cities, especially in states with Dementiacrat governors, face a high risk of unprecedented levels of violent riots, arson, and looting. 
14. This is just one more reason why it is imperative to VOTE RED on 3 November. The Left CANNOT be allowed to obtain political power and destroy our constitutional Republic. ///The end.