Sunday, June 14, 2020

The deeper agenda: A glimpse into how the current racial aspect of the "Resistance" insurrection intersects with gun control

President Trump laid out the baseline to consider: 

President Trump's recent tweet about his opposition wanting to "take away your guns," and then "take away your police" points to how the current rioting and such actually goes to a far larger matter. And an anti-gun website did a double-fail by 1. making a minimal pro-2A argument, but more so 2. by slyly laying out that larger, more dangerous intent. 

"The Trace," a Bloomberg anti-gun site, posted an article, "Police, Power, and the Specter of Guns." In its discussion of racial tensions, it accidentally makes a point about how private arms can restrain abusive law enforcement by citing Black Panther activity in California. (See here from The Truth About Guns for that aspect of the article.) However, as I pointed out to one very superficial reader, that part only pertained to Black people. The overall intent is something far different.

The article asserts that police excesses are tied to their guns, which they have to have because of OUR (private) guns. Ergo, getting guns out of private (White/law-abiding) hands, so they can disarm law enforcement (who protect them)--the very thing President Trump pointed to nascently in his tweet.

Below in two pictures is the core section. People need to avoid one-dimensional, one-layer, clickbait reading of articles and such. Be sophisticated and think beyond, considering the second and third order of effect. With the Left, there's always the bigger agenda ("The issue is never the issue. The issue is the Revolution.")

The even-deeper agenda is obvious: Removing protection from the predominate part of the population to make them vulnerable and subservient to a minority part (I will leave it at that here; look for more explicit explanations in the future). More immediately, I must say I love the "Catch-22" usage. It's the sort of thing that should be boomeranged back on the anti-gun crowd: Because of those two threats--guns in private hands (regardless of legality) and guns in law enforcement hands (regardless of the character of the officer), even notwithstanding the Militia function, Second Amendment practice has its place.