Thursday, April 23, 2020

"Forgotten Weapons" series on the M1 Carbine

Ian "Gun Jesus" McCollum seems a bit liberal or NeverTrump, but does good work.

The M1 .30 Carbine is a good weapon when used within its ballistic limits. Just treat the early issue magazines as basically disposable.

"Forgotten Weapons" page on M1 Carbine:

CAVEAT TO THE TITLE: NOT a "whole new class."

Carbines, be they .30 or pistol-caliber, are (along with home defense shotguns) the modern descendants of the blunderbuss. The 1688/89 English Bill of Rights had a certain "Keep Arms" guarantee, which was interpreted as guaranteeing a peasant could keep a blunderbuss to ward off burglars.

In America's settlement history, blunderbusses were rare, supplanted by full-size muskets and such given the frontier nature here that differed from the Old Country. That said, and Heller's focus on handguns acknowledged, if there is one sort of modern (rifled) weapon that is HISTORICALLY at the very core of the Common Law RKBA we inherited, it's the carbine.