Thursday, September 7, 2017


Donald Trump is not an ideologue. He is a pragmatist (and some would say, an attitudinalist). No one will agree with him all the time. He is also, despite MSM and Fake News characterizations, a man who is genuinely compassionate toward the plight of individual persons.

Some of us disagree with Trump's desire to see a DACA-type solution to the issue of people in that situation. We would prefer a more "tough-stance" approach. But, this is a place where Trump is opting to err on the side of "humane approach." You and I might disagree with him on that, and he made it clear often during the campaign that he respects honest disagreement, even--perhaps especially--among his supporters. What we need to keep in mind is that while we might believe this is a mistake, Trump remains committed to the MAGA agenda, and we need to support him for that.

That said, NOW is the opportunity to all of us to be a more substantive part of MAGA than ever. We can directly influence our members of Congress to work with our President on this matter, and in resolving the issue of those people, do so in a way that mitigates whatever problems will result from whatever conclusion is reached. (And there is no possible solution that does not raise problems.) SEN Tom Cotton of Arkansas (the home state of Sabine Durden--if you care about DACA, you know who she is) has exhibited a largely proper attitude on the matter, and he has offered an excellent approach to doing this (see statement and listen to his interview here:  )

Now is the time to act. We help our President, we help MAGA--and indeed, we help the people caught in the DACA situation. A win-win-win is possible here.