'Reagan for Trump: Meese leads 240 Reaganites to Team Trump'

On impact of new FBI investigation of Crooked Hillary

Gingrich and McCarthy on Clinton corruption (VERY good info)

Article mentioned by Gingrich:

Before FBI reopened Clinton email investigation:

Hillary campaign fudging rally numbers?

According to Hillebeest's campaign, the Secret Service estimated she got 2000 people to attend. However: "The rally took place at NewBo City Market. Interestingly, Secret Service said via the campaign that 2,098 people attended, but Brown Paper Tickets lists the capacity of NewBo City Market as being 1,000."

The others must have been hidden on Huma Abedin's computer.

MUST-WATCH: "RNC Communications Director Sean Spicer on CNN’s ‘Smerconish’"

Friday, October 28, 2016

Donald J. Trump Statement on Hillary's email case being reopened

Regrets? Trump's had a few... And George Stephanopoulos has had at least one

FBI Notes Reveal Security Concerns Over Huma Abedin, Clinton's top aide “overrode security protocols"

Huma Abedin’s Father Trashed Thomas Jefferson (for fighting terrorists)

The father of Hillary Clinton's closest--and "special"--advisor, a Muslim Brotherhood operative named Huma Abedin, believed that America should pay tribute and protection money to Muslim terrorists rather than fight them. Think about that. Then think about it again.

More Hillary-media collusion

Eric Garner's Daughter Blasts Hillary Clinton Campaign Over WikiLeaks Emails About Her Father

When did Obama know about Hillary's server, and when did he know it? - Looks Like the POTUS Lied. Again. Surprised?

FBI reopens investigation into Hillary emails

The new emails came from Anthony Weiner's phone.


Theft of Trump signs in Maine used to demonstrate how the Left thinks

It goes to Herbert Marcuse's "Liberating" vs. "Repressive" forms of "tolerance."  For the Left, to tolerate both sides--Right and Left, liberal and conservative, progressive and traditional, call it what you may (but NOT "tyranny" and "freedom"--that's another matter)--is to give the standard society an advantage, since it owns the playing field.  To the Left, standard society--White Western society, that is--is by definition "oppressive," and so to give voices or forces on that side the same tolerance they demand for their own would be "repressive"--that is, it would uphold as stated before an "oppressive" system and restrict "liberating" the people from it.  "Liberating tolerance," therefore is defined as demanding tolerance for the Left, but denying it to the Right.  The Hildebeest's signs should be protected, but there is nothing wrong with taking up Trump signs. 

It's not about money as such, as so many conservatives will jump to thinking.  It's not about power for power's sake.  It's not even about the Leftist individuals' personal benefit (a common mistake among conservatives trying to understand this).  It's about ideology and agenda.  These people, no matter how rich they are, genuinely believe in wealth redistribution, which necessitates the breakdown of Western--yes, White--society and heritage.  Don't think in small, pedestrian terms.  It's more than a racial threat (though that certainly exists).  It's more than a religious threat (though traditional Western religion is an impediment to them, even as "religious" people get all nice and open the way for them--"useful idiots").  And it's more than a sense of entitlement or laziness (those are simply tools).  People need to understand that, while decent people of liberal thinking do exist, the liberal/Left agenda is the breakdown of everything. 

I won't go further on that, as most people are so stuck on the particular "trees" they can never see the forest.  Sufficient for now is the point that people need to remember 1. "Liberating" vs. "Repressive" tolerance is a key aspect of their thinking; and 2. It's for a larger ideological agenda.

Donald Trump's Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame is Now Being Guarded By A Homeless Trump Supporter

EPIC VIDEO=> UK Reporter (Katie Hopkins) Calls CNN “Clinton News Network – Your Coverage Is Totally Biased”

Donald Trump, Jr. helps stranded motorist personally

"Bill Clinton, Inc." exposed--BIG corruption

Thursday, October 27, 2016

New Wikileaks release: Inside 'Bill Clinton Inc.'

Kaine had so few people attend rally in Ohio that a Florida rally had to be cancelled; some kind of karma thing, I guess

New RNC Ad Campaign Reminds Voters Obamacare Was Originally 'Hillarycare'

Lt General Mike Flynn radio interview: October 21, 2016 | Garret Lewis | KNST

Hillary's starting her personal political career by releasing lethal, CONVICTED terrorists

Comprehensive interview with Walid Phares on France 24 English on Republican nominee Donald Trump's foreign policy and NS platform

Phares goes a little weak on the Wall, but otherwise captures Trump's approach and thinking well.

Donald J. Trump Statement on Bill Clinton, Inc.

Why CNN needs to be careful what they ask Trump?

Join Jay Ashcroft and MIKE HUCKABEE in St. Joseph, MO

From: Jay Ashcroft <info@ashcroftformissouri.com>

Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2016 12:03 PM
Subject: Join me and Mike Huckabee in St. Joe

Join me and Mike Huckabee in St. Joe

I know you're busy but I wanted to let you know about an important event that's happening tomorrow, October 28th, in St. Joseph at the Buchanan County GOP HQ.

Governor Mike Huckabee will be joining me for a rally in support of a common sense photo voter ID law that is on the ballot this November.  Here are the details:

WHERE:       Buchanan County GOP HQ
ADDRESS:   3821 1/2 Frederick, St. Joseph, MO 64506
DATE:           Friday, October 28, 2016
TIME:            4:00 pm

Click Here To RSVP
If like me, you are tired of our elections being exposed to fraud, corruption and mismanagement join us tomorrow to take a stand for election integrity.

Together, we can pass Amendment 6 and together we can secure our elections while also guaranteeing that legal voters are not disenfranchised.

I hope to see you tomorrow.

Paid for by Ashcroft for Missouri, Gene McNary, Treasurer

Ashcroft for Missouri · 12138 Mirror Lake Drive · St. Louis, MO 63146 · USA

Hillary has Second Amendment in crosshairs

Support for gun control LOWEST in ages

Gorka: Not surprised by possible pay-to-play at the foundation because Hillary Clinton thinks she’s above the law!

Pence: It's time to come home (Salt Lake City, UT rally)

Vanity or complete delegation of her Twitter to others (because she's too busy sleeping)? Hildebeest actually wished HERSELF a happy birthday

Donald Trump Refuses to Be Grilled by CNN’s Dana Bash FULL Interview

What kind of questions are those???  Shouldn't you be actually campaigning, even though Fainting Hillary sleeps all day? How much are you willing to spend, so George Soros knows how much to funnel to Hillary?  Amazing bias.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Sign on to Trump's Contract with the American Voter

Republicans and conservatives, it's time to come home

Full Speech: Donald Trump Speech at Grand Opening of Trump International...

Trump congratulating Newt Gingrich on takedown of Megyn Kelly at 4:49 point.

NRA: Pro-gun candidates don't come any better

When the records of the presidential running mates are examined side by side, the message is clear. With Pence, Trump has demonstrated that he is committed to protecting and promoting the Second Amendment. With Kaine, Clinton has chosen to double down on her already abysmal record on guns and freedom.

Pence on voter fraud in Indiana

(Vote rigging) 'Trump's fears about Philly well-founded'

Media and polling bias growing to epic proportions

Giuliani kicked a little bit as well

Gingrich kicked ASS!

(From opening of Trump DC hotel)

Trump congratulates Gingrich:

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

MEDIA BIAS ALERT: Study shows networks focused on Trump's negatives (56%) more than Clinton's (only 38%)

Yes, the Great Black Hope is at war with White Occidentals

Huckabee: I'm tired of Republicans who fold under the first sign of pressure. If you run away from Trump voters will leave you.

Yes, Trump is right--"rigged"

Tim Kaine just had the saddest rally ever

Guess what! Wikileaks emails proven legit!

Trump Campaign Statement on Hillary Clinton’s Deliberate Incitement of Violence at Trump Rallies

- October 24, 2016 -

Statement on Hillary Clinton’s Deliberate Incitement of Violence at Trump Rallies

“Recent revelations surrounding Hillary Clinton’s corrupt campaign further illustrate that she will stop at nothing to secure the Presidency. In a totally disqualifying act that is a violent threat to our democracy, Hillary Clinton directly involved herself in inciting violence directed at Trump supporters. The Clintons have divided our country for far too long. On behalf of the American people, who deserve better, the Trump Campaign demands a full and immediate investigation into the acts of violence that the Clinton campaign and the DNC have incited on American voters." - Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

“Hillary Clinton gave the go-ahead for outside groups to have Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump stalked by operatives in Donald Duck costumes in a possible violation of federal election law, according to an undercover video released Monday.” (Washington Times, 10/24/16)
O’Keefe’s Latest Video Suggests Illegal Collusion Between Hillary, Super PACs [VIDEO] “During the discussion with an undercover Project Veritas reporter, Creamer admits that Clinton herself is directly involved with his planning. They’d considered other ideas for a costumed protest, such as activists dressed as Uncle Sam or as Curious George, but decided on Donald Duck because Clinton herself wanted it.” (Dailycaller, 10/24/16)

“Hillary Clinton Approved Robert Creamer Plan Directly” Now, however, O’Keefe and Project Veritas have released video of Creamer claiming that Clinton directly approved one of his more bizarre plans — an effort to attract media attention and incite violence by dressing an activist in a Donald Duck costume and sending that activist into Trump events, emphasizing the argument that Trump was “ducking” releasing his tax returns. (
Breitbart, 10/24/16)

"As a Black Man from the Streets, Im trying EVERYTHING to get this mesage VIRAL"

Two stories from the War on Whites

Monday, October 24, 2016

Rigging the Election – Video III: Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Was PERSONALLY involved


- October 24, 2016 -


“The Fact That This Was Allowed To Occur Shows Either Outright Negligent Behavior By The FBI Or A Level Of Corruption That Is Beyond Belief.” – Jason Miller

“Last night’s revelation that close Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe authorized $675,000 to the wife of a top official at the FBI, who conveniently was promoted to deputy director, and helped oversee the investigation into Clinton’s secret server is deeply disturbing and calls into question the entire investigation. The fact that this was allowed to occur shows either outright negligent behavior by the FBI or a level of corruption that is beyond belief. The FBI needs to fully address these issues as soon as possible.”
– Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor 

Clinton Ally Aided Campaign Of FBI Official’s WifeBy Devlin Barrett
Wall Street Journal
October 23, 2016
Click To Read
The political organization of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, an influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s email use.

Campaign finance records show Mr. McAuliffe’s political-action committee donated $467,500 to the 2015 state Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe, who is married to Andrew McCabe, now the deputy director of the FBI.

The Virginia Democratic Party, over which Mr. McAuliffe exerts considerable control, donated an additional $207,788 worth of support to Dr. McCabe’s campaign in the form of mailers, according to the records. That adds up to slightly more than $675,000 to her candidacy from entities either directly under Mr. McAuliffe’s control or strongly influenced by him. The figure represents more than a third of all the campaign funds Dr. McCabe raised in the effort.

Dr. McCabe announced her candidacy in March 2015, the same month it was revealed that Mrs. Clinton had used a private server as secretary of state to send and receive government emails, a disclosure that prompted the FBI investigation.

At the time the investigation was launched in July 2015, Mr. McCabe was running the FBI’s Washington, D.C., field office, which provided personnel and resources to the Clinton email probe. At the end of July 2015, Mr. McCabe was promoted to FBI headquarters and assumed the No. 3 position at the agency. In February 2016, he became FBI Director James Comey’s second-in-command.

As deputy director, Mr. McCabe was part of the executive leadership team overseeing the Clinton email investigation, though FBI officials say any final decisions on that probe were made by Mr. Comey, who served as a high-ranking Justice Department official in the administration of George W. Bush.

That investigation examined whether Mrs. Clinton’s use of private email may have compromised national security by transmitting classified information in an insecure system. A review of Mrs. Clinton’s emails concluded that 110 messages contained classified information. Mrs. Clinton has said she made a mistake but that she never sent or received messages that were marked classified.
Click Here To Read The Full Article