Friday, October 28, 2016

Theft of Trump signs in Maine used to demonstrate how the Left thinks

It goes to Herbert Marcuse's "Liberating" vs. "Repressive" forms of "tolerance."  For the Left, to tolerate both sides--Right and Left, liberal and conservative, progressive and traditional, call it what you may (but NOT "tyranny" and "freedom"--that's another matter)--is to give the standard society an advantage, since it owns the playing field.  To the Left, standard society--White Western society, that is--is by definition "oppressive," and so to give voices or forces on that side the same tolerance they demand for their own would be "repressive"--that is, it would uphold as stated before an "oppressive" system and restrict "liberating" the people from it.  "Liberating tolerance," therefore is defined as demanding tolerance for the Left, but denying it to the Right.  The Hildebeest's signs should be protected, but there is nothing wrong with taking up Trump signs. 

It's not about money as such, as so many conservatives will jump to thinking.  It's not about power for power's sake.  It's not even about the Leftist individuals' personal benefit (a common mistake among conservatives trying to understand this).  It's about ideology and agenda.  These people, no matter how rich they are, genuinely believe in wealth redistribution, which necessitates the breakdown of Western--yes, White--society and heritage.  Don't think in small, pedestrian terms.  It's more than a racial threat (though that certainly exists).  It's more than a religious threat (though traditional Western religion is an impediment to them, even as "religious" people get all nice and open the way for them--"useful idiots").  And it's more than a sense of entitlement or laziness (those are simply tools).  People need to understand that, while decent people of liberal thinking do exist, the liberal/Left agenda is the breakdown of everything. 

I won't go further on that, as most people are so stuck on the particular "trees" they can never see the forest.  Sufficient for now is the point that people need to remember 1. "Liberating" vs. "Repressive" tolerance is a key aspect of their thinking; and 2. It's for a larger ideological agenda.