Saturday, September 17, 2016

Donald Trump, Jr.: Only in PC America... Football Fans Told To Stop Chanting USA USA!!!

"Les Deplorables"

Clinton campaign the big push behind "Birther" controversy

- September 16, 2016 -


“Hillary Clinton Didn’t Tell The Truth About Her Emails And She Didn’t Tell The Truth About Her Campaign’s Role In Pushing These Rumors In 2008.” – Jason Miller

“With Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager admitting on national television and on Twitter that they promoted the rumors surrounding now-President Obama’s heritage, Mr. Trump has been fully vindicated. Not only was a Clinton campaign worker blamed and fired over the activity, we have now been informed that Secretary Clinton was aware of what was going on, with Clinton’s campaign manager even apologizing to Obama’s campaign manager. This still does not explain why Hillary Clinton failed to fire her chief strategist Mark Penn on the spot over the memo he sent her advocating she portray Obama as ‘fundamentally’ foreign. Hillary Clinton didn’t tell the truth about her emails and she didn’t tell the truth about her campaign’s role in pushing these rumors in 2008. This pattern is never going to change, and it’s why nobody trusts Hillary Clinton.”– Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

TRANSCRIPT:PATTI SOLIS DOYLE: There was a volunteer coordinator, I believe in late 2007, I think in December, one of our volunteer coordinators in one of the counties in Iowa. I don't recall whether they an actual paid staffer, but they did forward an e-mail that promoted the conspiracy.
WOLF BLITZER: The birther conspiracy?

DOYLE: Yeah. Hillary made the decision immediately to let that person go. We let that person go.

Read Mark Penn’s 2007 memo to Hillary Clinton on Obama’s “lack of American roots” here:

Pavlich: "Trump's Most Brilliant Campaign Move Yet"

Doctor, former senate candidate, and Obama cousin Milton Wolf raises some SERIOUS concerns on Hillary's health

Donald J. Trump​, you magnificent bastard! -- Full Event: Donald Trump on Birtheri..., ur, Honors Veterans in Washington, DC 9/16/16

Complete "political Rick Roll" (per Jake Tapper). Media would never have covered this live if they didn't think it would be a mea culpa from Trump on Obama "birther" issue. So, they sat through 30-plus minutes of a brief commercial for his new hotel and being praised by generals and Medal of Honor winners, and got three sentences that said nothing he hadn't said before.

The man is a genius!

Trump on Tonight Show -- 15 SEP 2016

No pardon for the traitor (though I appreciate the exposure of Hillary)

YES! Trump campaign brings on A.J. Delgado as a senior adviser

"Delgado’s role in the campaign will focus mainly on communications." -- YES!

Trump's Dr. Oz Appearance Was Startlingly Straightforward!

Definitive--yes, another one--demonstration Trump did NOT mock disabled reporter

Ann Coulter:

We also have proof that the media know they are lying about Trump mocking a disabled man. In the "Comments" section to a Washington Post article pushing this lie, someone posted a perfectly respectful response that included the Catholics 4 Trump videos -- of Trump doing the exact same imitation of a general and of Serge being interviewed. The Post deleted the comment -- and pronto!

Why did the Post instantly remove those videos from the "Comments" section? To hide the evidence of its lying.

That's consciousness of guilt. The Post couldn't allow anyone to see those videos because then everyone would see that this is how Trump imitates any frightened person. Maybe he won't be hired by "Saturday Night Live" as a sketch comedian -- and as you know, that show will hire almost anybody these days -- but Trump did not "mock" a disabled man.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Even Crooked Hillary's corruption has corruption!

Emergency Preparedness for Beginners: A Bolt-Action Rifle?

(Mossberg MVP pictured below)
[The expert cited says,] "A responsible citizen who wants to prepare for defending his or her community should purchase and become proficient with a bolt-action rifle."

I was intrigued by this proposal. With the plethora of semi-automatic wonder guns on the market today, why would a firearm attorney, especially one who also holds a Class 3 dealer's license, suggest the humble bolt-action? He goes on to make several valid points in support of his answer, including:
  • The bolt-action platform is simple to operate for new and less experienced gun owners.
  • It's an excellent starting point for learning the fundamentals of shooting.
  • Bolt-actions have a proven history of accuracy and reliability in harsh conditions.
  • Bolt-actions are legal to own in all 50 states.

The author continues with his laundry list of features to look for in an emergency rifle. Those features, in summary, include:
  • Select a dependable American-manufactured gun, such as Browning, Mossberg, Remington, Ruger, Savage, Winchester, etc.
  • The stock and action should have a non-reflective matte finish.
  • Ideal caliber options include the .308 Win. (7.62 NATO), for extended range and penetration, and the .223 Rem. (5.56 NATO) for reduced recoil. Both calibers are common civilian rounds and military standards which makes finding ammunition easier and more affordable.
  • Look for rifles with irons sights as well as the means to attach a scope.
  • The stock should have sling swivel studs for a shoulder sling and/or bipod.     
  • A shock absorbing recoil pad is a plus.

Partial transcript of Trump's appearance on Dr. Oz's show

OZ: Cholesterol – we have 6'3," 236 pounds. Cholesterol is 169. The HDL, which is healthy cholesterol, 63. The lousy LDL cholesterol is 94. Those are good numbers. Triglycerides are good – that’s the amount of fat in your blood. The PSA, like the other let published before, is 0.15, which is very low. Blood pressure ,116 over 70. Blood sugar, 99.
TRUMP: That's good. 116 over 70.
OZ: Yeah, I mean.
TRUMP: I’ve always been lucky with blood pressure. I’ve always had very good blood pressure.
OZ: Blood sugar, 99. And C-reactive protein also low. Your liver function, your thyroid functional is all normal. You had a colonoscopy performed July 10, 2013, which was normal with no polyps. Calcium score and your heart, 2013, also was low at 98. Oh my goodness. EKG chest x-ray on April 14 was normal. A normal echocardiogram was done two years ago. And your testosterone’s 441, which is actually -- it's good. It’s good.


You're only on the statin drug you mentioned. If a patient of mine had these records, I’d be really happy. And I’d send them on their way.

(Obtained from a hack reporter here.)

General Vs. General~Powell, Flynn Feud Over Hacked Email Slams

"Powell never knew or served with Flynn"

Trump gains 15% with Black voters

Diana West on Secure Freedom Radio: Info warfare with Russia; terrorists exploiting immigration policy

DIANA WEST, Nationally syndicated columnist, Blogs at, and Author of Death of the Grown Up and American Betrayal:
  • History of information warfare with Russia
  • How terrorists exploit immigration policy

Donald Trump Jr. Refers To Dad As “The Blue Collar Billionaire” During Pittsburgh Campaign Stop

Dr. Drew--persecuted for the truth

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Center for Security Policy five-point plan for victory over Jihad

Europe's Last Chance

(NOTE: In America, there's a third thing you can do--exercise the Second Amendment.)

Hacked Colin Powell email: Sick Hillary "could barely climb the podium steps"

Did Trump just start talking about helping Inner Cities recently? Nope, he's said the same thing for Over 25 years

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

CLARE LOPEZ: 7 phases of Islamic conquest over the West--> Islamic caliphate. We are in phase 6, Total Confrontation.

The Black Body Count Rises as Chicago Police Step Back - WSJ

It is simply a racial insurrection. Only massive force, including apprehension of vast numbers of the criminal element, will settle the violence. And then and only then will we be in a position to consider the appropriate disposition of those individuals who remain.

That discussion can take place only in an atmosphere in which such disorder and insurrection is a memory of the past, no longer with us, allowing us to weigh the different options available based on the new circumstances at the time. (Some of you will know where I got that.)

But what if it hits 78 degrees F in DC???

More info-speculation on Hillary health

Gingrich on Hillary's health, etc. (2 videos)

Hannity - 12 SEP 2016:
(Starting at 9:57 point, it shows video of media literally lying about how hot it was Sunday with Hillary collapsed.  The last five minutes are must-see.)

Fox and Friends - 13 SEP 2016:

Hispanic Community Hero (Cesar Chavez) Rejected Illegal Immigration

Ah, diversity in the Second Amendment

Black rifles matter.

ALL guns matter!

The "refugee" situation is a crock -- Migrants Granted Refugee Status Are Holidaying In Countries They ‘Fled’, At Taxpayers’ Expense

This tells you what a lie all this is.  I have no compassion for them or their fellow "refugees."

Nigel Farage has been called 'racist' and 'xenophobic'. This is his reaction to Hillary's 'deplorables' comment

Monday, September 12, 2016

Why Jihadis should only be released after their execution

Yes, Islam is the motivation for Jihadi terrorists

Clinton team avoided ER to conceal details of her medical treatment

Covering up something without a doubt.

"Clinton's spokesman said that in addition to her illness, “several of the senior staff have been afflicted with something or other for the last few days.”

“'I was sick for a couple of days. I had the mild form of it,' Fallon said.

The stricken staffers included campaign manager Robby Mook, and two top aides who needed emergency medical treatment — one of whom was taken by ambulance to a hospital emergency room after collapsing from severe dehydration, People magazine reported.

Fallon told CNN that Clinton’s pneumonia, which she is treating with antibiotics, was 'not contagious.'”

Flynn: “Am I a deplorable?”

Trump on Hillary's 'deplorable' comment: I think this is the biggest mistake of the political season

Woolsey joins Trump team

- September 12, 2016 -

Trump Campaign Announces ​Amb. R. James Woolsey as a Senior Advisor

Former Bill Clinton Director of Central Intelligence Crosses Party Lines to Advise the Republican Nominee

New York, NY - Today, the Trump Campaign is proud to announce Amb. R. James Woolsey as a Senior Advisor.

Amb. R. James Woolsey stated, “I have been a ‘Scoop Jackson,’ ‘Joe Lieberman,’ Democrat all of my adult life, but I am pleased to be asked to participate with others I respect in advising GOP candidate Donald J. Trump on the urgent need to reinvest in and modernize our military in order to confront the challenges of the 21st century. Mr. Trump’s commitment to reversing the harmful defense budget cuts signed into law by the current administration, while acknowledging the need for debt reduction, is an essential step toward reinstating the United States’ primacy in the conventional and digital battlespace."

Woolsey continued, "Since Secretary Clinton left the State Department we have learned that she demonstrated a complete lack of understanding and an inability to lead the agency she headed in such a way as to maintain its mission and security. Based on the emails thus far released we know that Secretary Clinton also lacks the ability to lead her senior managers while complying with and maintaining the basic protocols designed to protect our government’s sensitive and classified information. Mr. Trump understands the magnitude of the threats we face and is holding his cards close to the vest. Bravo Zulu, Mr. Trump.”

Trump at National Guard Association

14 Medal of Honor Recipients Endorse

Full List:
World War II
Woody Williams, Chief Warrant Officer-4 USMC, Retired
Bob Simanek, Private First Class USMC, Retired
Bennie Adkins, Command Sergeant Major US Army, Retired
Pat Brady, Major General US Army, Retired
Sammy Davis, Sergeant First Class US Army, Retired
Hal Fritz, Colonel US Army, Retired
Michael Fitzmaurice, US Army, Retired
Robert Ingram, Petty Officer USN, Retired
Jim Livingston, Major General USMC, Retired
Bob Patterson, Command Sergeant Major US Army, Retired
Mike Thornton, Lieutenant USN, Retired
Leo Thorsness, Colonel USAF, Retired
Jay Vargas, Colonel USMC, Retired
Global War on Terror (Afghanistan)
Leroy Petry, Master Sergeant US Army, Retired

ABSOLUTE MUST READ AND SPREAD! -- Deplorably, Trump is going to win

QUOTES: "You can’t win an American presidential election without the deplorables’ vote," & "Hillary is road kill."

Sunday, September 11, 2016

(Offers criticism of both Trump and Hillary) From David Horowitz Freedom Center: Fifteen Years after 9/11

David Horowitz Freedom Center |
David Horowitz Freedom Center

Fifteen Years after 9/11, and America Still Sleeps
How much worse will the destruction and death have to be to wake us up?

September 9, 2016
Bruce Thornton

Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Fifteen years after the carnage of 9/11, American foreign policy is still mired in its fossilized dogmas and dangerous delusions. The consequences are obvious. Iran, the world's foremost state sponsor of terrorism and long an avowed enemy of the United States, has filled the vacuum of our ignominious retreat from the Middle East, even as the mullahs move ever closer to possessing nuclear weapons. Russia, Iran's improbable ally, bombs civilians in Syria, kills the Syrian fighters we have trained, bullies its neighbor Ukraine, consolidates its take-over of the Crimea, and relentlessly pursues its interests with disregard for international law and contempt for our feeble protests. Iraq, for which thousands of Americans bled and died, is now a puppet state of Iran. Afghanistan is poised to be overrun by the Taliban in a few years, and ISIS, al Qaeda 2.0, continues to inspire franchises throughout the world and to murder European and American citizens.

So much for the belief, frequently heard in the months after the attacks of 9/11, that "this changes everything." The smoking ruins and 3000 dead surely had awoken us from our delusions that the "end of history" and a "new world order" had followed the collapse of the Soviet Union, "a world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak," as George H.W. Bush said in 1990. The following decade seemed to confirm this optimism. Didn't we quickly slap down the brutal Saddam Hussein and stop his aggression against his neighbors? Didn't we punish the Serbs for their revanchist depredations in the Balkans? With American military power providing the muscle, the institutions of international cooperation like NATO, the International Court of Justice, and the U.N. Security Council would patrol and protect the network of new democracies that were set to evolve into versions of Western nations and enjoy such boons as individual rights, political freedom, leisure and prosperity, tolerance for minorities, equality for women, and a benign secularism.

The gruesome mayhem of 9/11 should have alerted us to the fact many Muslims didn't get the memo about history's demise. Indeed, long before that tragic day in September, we had been serially warned that history still had some unpleasant surprises. Theorists of neo-jihadism like Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb for decades had laid out the case for war against the infidel West and its aggression against Islam. "It is the nature of Islam," al-Banna wrote, "to dominate not to be dominated, to impose its laws on all nations and extend its power to the entire planet." So too the leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the Ayatollah Khomeini: "Those who study jihad will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world," which is why "Islam says: Kill all the unbelievers." The kidnapping of U.S. diplomatic personnel in Tehran by a group called "Muslim Students Following the Line of the Imam [Khomeini]" sent us a message that we were engaged in the religious war the jihadists warned would come. But few of those responsible for our security and interests had ears to hear or eyes to see.

Not even when the words became bloody deeds did we listen. The bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks in 1983, which killed 241 servicemen, was supported by Iran and executed by its proxy terrorist group Hezbollah. Our refusal to respond reflected our failure to take seriously Khomeini's vow to spread his revolution to the whole world. The humiliating televised abuse of our dead soldiers in Mogadishu in 1993, followed by our withdrawal, was exploited by Osama bin Laden in his sermons as signs that America had "foundations of straw." That same year came the first World Trade Center attack, which killed six and wounded 1,042, an operation inspired by al Qaeda and traditional jihadist doctrine. In 1995 five Americans were killed by al Qaeda operatives at a training facility in Riyadh. In 1996 a truck bomb exploded in front of a residential complex housing Air Force personnel near Dhahran, killing 19 Americans. In 1998 al Qaeda bombed our embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. Twelve Americans died in Nairobi. And the last warning came in October of 2000, when the destroyer Cole was attacked by a fishing boat loaded with explosive. Seventeen sailors died and 39 were wounded.

Yet during these two decades of attacks that proved the jihadists' words were not just bluster, we did little in response. We interpreted the attacks as crimes, not battles in a war, and reflections of poverty, autocracy, or vague "evil," rather than as the fulfillment of Allah's divine commands. Instead, Clinton launched cruise missiles that made a lot of noise but accomplished nothing, limited as those attacks were by timid rules of engagement. His foreign policy was internationalist and idealist, seeing the spread of democracy and the promotion of human rights as paramount in foreign affairs. America's presence needed to be reduced in the world, and the use of force should be a last resort, and even then carefully calibrated to avoid international condemnation and American casualties. "Dialogue" and "outreach" were preferable, for the jihadists were just defending "traditional values," as one State Department official said. The wages of that delusion were the burned and dismembered bodies in Manhattan, the Pentagon, and a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

This history is worth reviewing, for all these mistakes, these failures of imagination, these indulgences of naïve idealism, these sacrifices of our security and interests to political advantage, all comprise the "everything" that 9/11 was supposed to "change." But here we are, fifteen years later, with a similar history of folly. George W. Bush pursued a delusional program of democracy promotion in Iraq and Afghanistan, with scant appreciation for the profound cultural differences between Islam and the West. But he at least left his successor a stabilized Iraq, which Obama quickly abandoned just to fulfill a campaign promise and assert his progressive bona fides. Then Obama blustered that Syria's "Assad has to go" and laid down "red lines" that were not to be crossed, only to do nothing when they were serially crossed, and to sacrifice this country's credibility in his pursuit of the disastrous deal with Iran, our inveterate enemy stained with four decades' worth of American blood. ISIS was allowed to flourish in the vacuum created by our withdrawal, creating a Hobbesian war of all against all, whose beneficiaries so far have been our rival Russia and our sworn enemy Iran.

Perhaps worst of all, Obama has turned jihad denial into a fatal disease. He is not alone in this delusion, for "religion of peace" and "nothing to do with Islam" have been mantras chanted by our foreign policy savants going back to the Iranian Revolution. No matter that al-Banna, Qutb, Khomeini, bin Laden, Ayman al Zawahiri, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and the mullahs in Iran all have grounded their violence and aggression in Islamic scripture and tradition. Our smug Western analysts and apologists dismiss the jihadists' exegesis as a "hijacking" or "distortion" of the "true" Islam, presuming to understand the Islamic faith better than pious Muslims do. So we half-heartedly fight an enemy whose name we cannot even say, and whose religion of violence we desperately distort into a religion of peace and tolerance. Meanwhile, like Bill Clinton and now Obama, we use bombs and drones as telegenic marketing tools to hide our failure of nerve and short-sighted political calculations.

So fifteen years later, we still sleep. And don't expect things to change after November. Neither candidate has shown any indication he or she is willing to make the hard decisions required to destroy ISIS and reaffirm American prestige. Trump issues vague threats about "bombing the shit" out of ISIS, while Hillary chatters about "smart power" and "coalitions," doubling down on Obama's failing policy. But no one proposes using the mind-concentrating levels of force, including troops as well as bombs, necessary to repair our broken foreign policy in the Middle East. Too many voters are in an isolationist mood, sick of wars and casualties, and concerned more about jobs and the economy.

The attacks on 9/11 supposedly "changed everything." When it comes to foreign policy, they didn't. One shudders to think how much worse the destruction and death will have to be to wake us up.
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Mark Burns' very true 9/11 message

Videos of Hillary entering van; nearly collapses

Shorter, but different angle:
Longer from similar angle:

Slow-mo with zoom-in:

9/11 in pictures

Migrant on plane screams "Allahu Akbar" 29 times, "death is coming" 17 times & "we will die" 9 times

Hillary Clinton has 'medical episode' at 9/11 ceremony, source says

Hillary Campaign Statement (via

Secretary Clinton attended the September 11th Commemoration Ceremony for just an hour and thirty minutes this morning to pay her respects and greet some of the families of the fallen.
During the ceremony, she felt overheated so departed to go to her daughter’s apartment, and is feeling much better.