Saturday, September 17, 2016

Clinton campaign the big push behind "Birther" controversy

- September 16, 2016 -


“Hillary Clinton Didn’t Tell The Truth About Her Emails And She Didn’t Tell The Truth About Her Campaign’s Role In Pushing These Rumors In 2008.” – Jason Miller

“With Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager admitting on national television and on Twitter that they promoted the rumors surrounding now-President Obama’s heritage, Mr. Trump has been fully vindicated. Not only was a Clinton campaign worker blamed and fired over the activity, we have now been informed that Secretary Clinton was aware of what was going on, with Clinton’s campaign manager even apologizing to Obama’s campaign manager. This still does not explain why Hillary Clinton failed to fire her chief strategist Mark Penn on the spot over the memo he sent her advocating she portray Obama as ‘fundamentally’ foreign. Hillary Clinton didn’t tell the truth about her emails and she didn’t tell the truth about her campaign’s role in pushing these rumors in 2008. This pattern is never going to change, and it’s why nobody trusts Hillary Clinton.”– Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

TRANSCRIPT:PATTI SOLIS DOYLE: There was a volunteer coordinator, I believe in late 2007, I think in December, one of our volunteer coordinators in one of the counties in Iowa. I don't recall whether they an actual paid staffer, but they did forward an e-mail that promoted the conspiracy.
WOLF BLITZER: The birther conspiracy?

DOYLE: Yeah. Hillary made the decision immediately to let that person go. We let that person go.

Read Mark Penn’s 2007 memo to Hillary Clinton on Obama’s “lack of American roots” here: