THIS is Hillary Clinton -- "I thought you should know"

A.J. Delgado: Hillary Clinton's Policies will put us in Conflict with Russia; Trump has Reagan approach

More on Trump and Libya

Her shirt says, "TRUMP!"

Not sure about much else.

NEWT GINGRICH ANSWERS A QUESTION FROM ME! BY NAME! -- Gingrich: (VIDEO) "9/11 Fifteen Years of Strategic Defeat, Dishonesty, and Humiliation"

My question, which he says is a great one, answered at the 21:55 (with 4:03 remaining) point.

Hillary's "47 Percent" moment?

“Just when Hillary Clinton said she was going to start running a positive campaign, she ripped off her mask and revealed her true contempt for everyday Americans. Tonight’s comments were more than another example of Clinton lying to the country about her emails, jeopardizing our national security, or even calling citizens ‘super-predators’ – this was Clinton, as a defender of Washington’s rigged system – telling the American public that she could care less about them. And what’s truly deplorable isn’t just that Hillary Clinton made an inexcusable mistake in front of wealthy donors and reporters happened to be around to catch it, it’s that Clinton revealed just how little she thinks of the hard-working men and women of America.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

Gingrich: 15yrs ago, no one could've imagined US would fail so decisively that we'd be sending cash, like a drug deal, to Iran

GOV Gilmore endorses Trump

Good man (2 for 3 -- 1 UNK): John Tortorella




Tax dollars going to directly aid Hillary's campaign, not just guard her -- The Truth About 'Hillary's Handler'

He doesn't just guard her.  He also helps her get through speaking events.  Tax dollars going to aid her campaign.


Including ADM James "Ace" Lyons!  He's the best!

Full List:
General Burwell B. Bell III, US Army, Retired
General Alfred G. Hansen, US Air Force, Retired
Admiral Jerry Johnson, US Navy, Retired
Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, US Navy, Retired
Lieutenant General William G. Boykin, US Army, Retired
Lieutenant General Marvin Covault, US Army, Retired
Lieutenant General Harold T. Fields, US Army, Retired
Lieutenant General Gordon E, Fornell, US Air Force, Retired
Lieutenant Jay Garner, US Army, Retired
Lieutenant General Ron Hite, US Army, Retired
Lieutenant Generals John I. Hudson, USMC, Retired
Lieutenant General Harley Hughes, US Air Force, Retired
Lieutenant General Joe Kinzer, US Army, US Army, Retired
Lieutenant General Frederick McCorkle, US MC, Retired
Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney, US Air Force, Retired
Lieutenant General Timothy A. Kinnan, US Air Force, Retired
Lieutenant James C. Riley, US Army, Retired
Lieutenant General Hugh G. Smith, US Army, Retired
Lieutenant General David J. Teal, US Air Force, Retired
Lieutenant General William E. Thurman, US Air Force, Retired
Lieutenant General Jack Woodward, US Air Force, Retired
Vice Admiral Mike Bucchi, US Navy, Retired
Vice Admiral Edward Clexton, Jr. US Navy, Retired
Vice Admiral R.F.Schoultz, US Navy, Retired
Vice Admiral Donald Thompson, US Coast Guard, Retired
Vice Admiral Jerry Unruh, US Navy, Retired
Major General Joe Arbuckle, US Army, Retired
Major General John Bianchi, CSMR, Retired
Major General Pat Brady, US Army, Retired
Major General Henry D. Canterbury, US Air Force, Retired
Major General Carroll D. Childers, US Army, Retired
Major General Jeffrey Cliver, US Air Force, Retired
Major General Tommy F. Crawford, US Air Force, Retired
Major General Harley Davis, US Army, Retired
Major General Felix Dupre, US Air Force, Retired
Major General Neil Eddins, US Air Force, Retired
Major General David W. Eidsaune, US Air Force, Retired
Major General William A. Gorton, US Air Force, Retired
Major General Kenneth Hagemann, US Air Force, Retired
Major General Gary L. Harrell, US Army, Retired
Major General Geoffrey Higginbothan, US Marine Corps, Retired
Major General Jerry D. Holmes, US Air Force, Retired
Major General James E. Livingston, USMC, Retired
Major General John D. Logeman, Jr., US Air Force, Retired
Major General Homer S. Long, US Army, Retired
Major General Billy McCoy, US Air Force, Retired
Major General Robert Messerli, US Air Force, Retired
Major General John Miller, US Air Force, Retired
Major General Ray O’Mara, US Air Force, Retired
Major General George W.“Nordie” Norwood, US Air Force, Retired
Major General Robert W. Paret, US Air Force MC, Retired
Major General James W. Parker, US Army, Retired
Major General Richard Perraut, US Air Force, Retired
Major General Sidney Shachnow, US Army, Retired
Major General Richard A. Scholtes,US Army, Retired
Major General Mark Solo, US Air Force, Retired
Major General Michael Sullivan, US MC, Retired
Major General Paul E. Vallely, US Army, Retired
Major General John Welde, US Air Force, Retired
Major General Kenneth W. Weir, US Marine Corps, Retired\
Rear Admiral Phillip Anselmo, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Peter Booth, US Navy,Retired
Rear Admiral Thomas F. Brown III, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Robert C. Crates, SC, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Mimi Drew, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Ernest Elliot, SC, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral James H. Flatley III, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Byron Fuller, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral William A. Guereck, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Dale Hagen, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Charles F. Horne III US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Grady L. Jackson, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral J. Adrian Jackson, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Frederick C. Johnson, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Jack Kavanaugh, SC, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Charles R.Kubic, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Rich Landolt, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral William J. McDaniel, MD, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral E.S. McGinley II, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Fred Metz, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Douglas M. Moore Jr. SC US Navy. Retired
Rear Admiral John A. Moriarty, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral David R. Morris, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Ed Nelson, US Coast Guard, Retired
Rear Admiral Philip R. Olsen, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Robert S. Owens, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral W.W. Pickavance, Jr., US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Leonard F. Picotte, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Brian C. Prindle, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral William J. Ryan, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral William L. Schachte, Jr., US Navy JAGC, Retired
Rear Admiral William R. Schmidt, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral William H. Shawcross, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Hugh P. Scott, US Navy, MC, Retired
Rear Admiral Gregory Slavonic, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Charles Williams, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral H. Denny Wisely, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Theodore J. Wojnar, US Coast Guard, Retired
Brigadier General Remo Butler, US Army, Retired
Brigadier General Jimmy L. Cash, US Air Force, Retired
Brigadier General George P. Cole, Jr. US Air Force, Retired
Brigadier General Philip M. Drew, US Air Force, Retired
Brigadier General Jerome V. Foust, US Army, Retired
Brigadier General Thomas W. Honeywill, US Air Force, Retired
Brigadier General Charles Jones, US Air Force, Retired
Brigadier General Gary M. Jones, US Army, Retired
Brigadier General James M. Johnston III, US Air Force, Retired
Brigadier General Thomas J. Lennon, US Air Force, Retired
Brigadier General Mark D. Scraba, US Army, Retired
Brigadier General Hugh B. Tant III, US Army, Retired
Brigadier General Robert F. Titus, US Air Force, Retired
Lieutenant General Clifford H. Rees, Jr. US Air Force, Retired
Rear Admiral Vance H. Fry, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral Michael R. Groothousen, US Navy, Retired
Major General Bobby G. Butcher, US Marine Corps, Retired
Brigadier Gen Robert V Woods, US Air Force, Retired
Lieutenant General Brett M. Dula, US Air Force, Retired
Brigadier General Harold C Morgan, US Air Force, Retired
Vice Admiral John Totushek, US Navy, Retired
Rear Admiral William P. Houley, US Navy, (Ret.)

Trump: "I opposed going into Iraq and I opposed the reckless way Hillary Clinton took us out along with POTUS "

WaPo editorial board blasted for dismissing Hillary’s ‘minor email scandal’

LIBYA: Trump saw what the "experts" & "Arab Spring" professionals did not, circa 2011/2012

LIBYA: Trump saw what the "experts" & "Arab Spring" professionals did not, circa 2011/2012





ABC: Clinton “under fire” for hypocrisy on discussing classified briefings

The Paper Formerly Known As “Hiding Hillary” Watch

Kellyanne Conway: Matt Lauer is being attacked as if he set up the private server or deleted 33,000 emails

Mike Pence: "Vladimir Putin has been a stronger leader" than Barack Obama has been

Flynn and Gorka after CiC Forum

07 SEP 2016

08 SEP 2016

"Make America Great Again" is "racist"--except when liberals use it

Marcusain "liberating tolerance"--tolerance of the Left, intolerance of the Right.

Truth about Trump and Iraq War/OIF -- Support general GWOT, honor military victory, doubting wisdom of it

Pot vs. Kettle, even though neither is black on this -- STATEMENT ON CLINTON COMMENTING ON CLASSIFIED INTEL BRIEFINGS

Austria: Lunatic Dhimmi "Outrage" Over Celebration of 1683 Victory Over Ottoman Jihadists at Vienna, 9/12

Hildebeest is scared

Mike Pence speech at Reagan Forum (08 SEP 2016)

Which would be quite an experience at 30,000 feet!

Off in some ways, but worthy of the read: The Flight 93 Election

2016 is the Flight 93 election: charge the cockpit or you die. You may die anyway. You—or the leader of your party—may make it into the cockpit and not know how to fly or land the plane. There are no guarantees.

Except one: if you don’t try, death is certain. To compound the metaphor: a Hillary Clinton presidency is Russian Roulette with a semi-auto. With Trump, at least you can spin the cylinder and take your chances.

Trump said it, he's being hit for it, but it's absolutely true

Jim Hanson of the Center for Security Policy:

Trump said it, he's being hit for it, but it's absolutely true

Jim Hanson of the Center for Security Policy:

General Kellogg Statement On The Commander-In-Chief Forum

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Laura Ingraham: Taking Ted Cruz seriously: What 'vote your conscience' means for conservatives

Once she has five members of the Supreme Court, the answer [as to what you can do to stop the Hildabeast] is literally nothing. If you complain to the press, they will ignore you. If you take her to court, you will lose. And she won't have to worry about federal prosecutors -- she will appoint the prosecutors, and she can replace them at will. And when 2020 comes around, and businesses start to get the message that it's time to support Hillary Clinton for re-election, how many of them will have the courage to refuse? If you think she raises a lot of money now, wait until you see how much money she can raise with the awesome power of the presidency behind her.

Congressman Zinke Statement On The Commander-In-Chief Forum

Admiral Kubic Statement On The Commander-In-Chief Forum


NY Conservative Party endorses Trump

The New York Conservative Party does not automatically endorse the GOP candidate.  No Republican has ever won NY state without their endorsement, though. 

Why is press concerned about Russian involvement in our election, when during Cold War the USSR influenced politics here for decades?!

Podcast of Diana West on Secure Freedom Radio today HERE.

Jim Hanson of Center for Security Policy on an anti-Hildabeast rant

"And now for something completely different..." (entertainment)

I'd Really Love To See You Tonight  

'70s Pop version or '90s Country version--which is best?

Join CGNS' Facebook group to post your opinion.

'70s Pop:

'90s Country:

(And for the record, "I'm not talkin' 'bout movin' in," really would sound better as "I'm not talkin' 'bout committin'.")
Hello, yea it's been awhile
Not much, how 'bout you
I'm not sure why I called
I guess I really just wanted to talk to you
And I was thinking maybe later on
We could get together for awhile
It's been such a long time
And I really do miss your smile

I'm not talking 'bout moving in
And I don't want to change your life
But there's a warm wind blowing, the stars are out
And I really love to see you tonight

We could go walking through a windy park
Take a drive along the beach
Or stay at home and watch t.v.
You see it really doesn't matter much to me

I'm not talking 'bout moving in
And I don't want to change your life
But there's a warm wind blowing, the stars are out
And I really love to see you tonight

I won't ask for promise
So don't have to lie
We both play that game before
Say I love you to say goodbye

I'm not talking 'bout moving in
And I don't want to change your life
But there's a warm wind blowing, the stars are out
And I really love to see you tonight

I'm not talking 'bout moving in
And I don't want to change your life
But there's a warm wind blowing, the stars are out
And I really love to see you tonight

I'm not talking 'bout moving in
And I don't want to change your life
But there's a warm wind blowing, the stars are out
And I really love to see you

I'm not talking 'bout moving in
And I don't want to change your life
But there's a warm wind blowing, the stars are out
And I really love to see you

'A Very Bad Poll for HRC - The frontrunner has outspent Trump almost 5-to-1, but still watched her lead evaporate'

Air China says what's it's probably illegal to say in UK--who London's problem is

Two vids on illegal immigration--Bill Clinton and current situation (with video of Newt Gingrich)

Bill Clinton proposing something virtually the same as Trump here.

San Diego news report on the border today here.

Gingrich talk today:

Part 2:

Commander-in-Chief Forum tonight

'Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 19 points among military, veteran voters' poll'

Peter Thiel: Trump has taught us this year’s most important political lesson

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

ICYMI: Yes, we can constitutionally discriminate against Islam

An important precedent... involved the status of polygamy in the Mormon faith, a usage rejected by the federal government, which threatened Utah with military invasion unless it repudiated the practice, the Supreme Court having ruled in 1878 that it is not just to tolerate polygamy in the name of religious freedom. The ruling read, in part: “The government cannot make laws regarding religion, but can reach actions when the principles are a violation of ‘social duties or subversive of good order’.” The state complied, officially banning polygamy in the territory. As a result, “[T]he Mormon Church now has protection under the religious liberty clause, but it did not while…its members practiced polygamy.”

ISIS is Islamophobic!

After this, if anyone opposes banning such Muslim garb in the West, that person is a traitor aiding the enemy. 

Paul Joseph Watson: Gary Johnson is an idiot

Photo of the obvious--the press loves the Hildabeast

Diana West: Press loved Russian involvement in U.S. politics in Cold War, but hates it now

One quote: "Obama's mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, an arch-Communist whose name was on the FBI's arrest list in the event of war with the USSR."

During the Cold War, the press LOVED Russian involvement in American politics.  Today, not so much.  Why?  Because the press are a bunch of anti-American liberals who need an attitude adjustment!

A.J. Delgado sets lying BS-NBC snake straight

Delgado is dead-on right here. That BS-NBC broad lies her head off, and Delgado rights it perfectly.  The broad completely ignores what Trump said about the long-term policy and INTENTIONALLY, I believe, lies about what he said later.  Journalists are--well, most of them--lying snakes.

NBC does this sort of cut a lot. In 2012, they made out by explicit lie that a crowd was shouting for Ryan, but not Romney, at a rally. A few months ago, they played a four-second clip making Paul Manafort out to be throwing
Melania Trump under the bus for her speech, when he said nothing of the sort. Donald J. Trump is right--they are lying snakes.

From the Phoenix immigration speech:

In several years, when we have accomplished all of our enforcement goals – and truly ended illegal immigration for good, including the construction of a great wall, and the establishment of our new lawful immigration system – then and only then will we be in a position to consider the appropriate disposition of those who remain. That discussion can only take place in an atmosphere in which illegal immigration is a memory of the past, allowing us to weigh the different options available based on the new circumstances at the time.
Read more:

That lying bitch of a reporter needs to be deported.

Giuliani: As a prosecutor I don't think I ever had a case with stronger evidence (of criminal intent) than what FBI has with Clinton

Glenn Reynolds: 'Crooked Hillary' nickname isn't going away

Trump endorsed by 88 generals and admirals

Ace Lyons says it all!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Even HuffPo admitting Islamic terrorism is about Islam, not poverty

Donald J. Trump Statement on Phyllis Schlafly

Hacking Hillary on board Hill FArce One with press

And then later:


From FBI fragments, a question: Did Team Clinton destroy evidence under subpoena?

FBI protecting Hildabeast -- claims it did NOT record her interview

Yes, Trump is being humane--too humane--in his policy on illegals

Trump: "We're the only hope" on illegals

Yes, Brooke, they used hammers on the phones

Black woman sees the real Donald Trump

Burgess Owens: Blacks should put values before race in voting

Hattip: Kellyanne Conway -- ‏#TrumpFL cancels campaign plans to help areas hard hit by #Hermine. A campaign w/ priorities in order

Today the North Florida Trump RV gathered bottled water, diapers, gatorade and more to provide assistance to residents of Panacea, FL in Wakalla County (NorthWest Region).
With the assistance of veterans and law enforcement, the Trump RV traveled into one of the hardest hit areas of rural Florida, canceling planned campaign stops to provide help to local NW Floridians. This fishing community will be without power for a few weeks. (See article below).
Our RV drivers are accustomed to storm areas, being from Mississippi. They helped clear trees and debris from the streets after giving the supplies. The community was very appreciative for the supplies as there were only three cases of water prior to our arrival. There was no press or media involved and all heart and concern.
Thank you to Karen Giorno our Senior Advisor, and Jennifer Locetta, our State Director who repurposed the RV. And a huge thank you to Darren, Alva, Paul, Christina, Zach, Jamie, Michael, and the entire FL Trump staff for working hard to expedite resources.
*Please Like our page to follow the TrumpRVs at -
*Article on the storm-…/deadly-hurricane-hermine-preps-impact…
#FloridaforTrump #TeamFlorida #TrumpPence #TrumpRVs #HurricaneHermine #VeteransforTrump #LawEnforcementforTrump

Sunday, September 4, 2016

People snear at Trump's answer as to what God is to him, but it's actually good

This is actually a good down-to-Earth answer--we humans do amazing things, but God made it all. Not theological conjecture, just fact.

Article and video here.

“The question evangelical voters are going to have to decide on is whether they are comfortable enough with Trump’s faith and the way he expresses it,” Brody wrote, “or are they looking for something deeper in a candidate from a faith perspective?”
His point was that some evangelicals might be turned off by Trump’s lack of biblical knowledge. With that said, Trump’s poll numbers suggest that if anything, most evangelicals appreciate — or at least tolerate — Trump’s down-to-Earth approach toward their religion.
Plus, all of his other attributes — “strength, deal making, success as a businessman and lack of political correctness” — make him quite appealing to “I’m Sick and Tired” evangelical voters who aren’t look for a Bible expert, but rather a fighter.

Oswego, NY: Muslim group protests 9/11 memorial monument declaring the 19 pious Muslim perps Islamic terrorists

As for my response...

Exclusive — Behind The Scenes With Trump In Detroit: How The Donald Has Become ‘The Hope Candidate’

The one issue with this is that the Black subculture wants different things.  Will individual Blacks vote for their success as Americans, or their race's success in gaining power in America?

Burgess Owens: "Black Misery is at an all-time high and it's under Democratic policies"

Big alarming headline for ONE SENTENCE in Trump's immigration speech

A Tale of Two Headlines

The truth of this is, the "softens" one is the early edition, after our future President's meeting with el presidente of Mexico.  That was Trump the diplomat and negotiator (deal-maker).  The "tough" one is the late edition after his speech announcing his strong policy ideas for dealing with the invasion of illegals in this country.  That was Trump the leader and fighter.  Same man, able to fulfill both roles.  #MAGA