Saturday, August 20, 2016

Secure Freedom Radio: Donald Trump rebelling against GOP foreign policy establishment

DAVID GOLDMAN (Spengler), columnist for Asia Times Online, author of “How Civilizations Die and Why Islam is Dying Too”:
  • GOP foreign policy establishment and Egypt’s fate during the Arab Spring
  • Donald Trump’s approach to the Middle East
  • Political Islam of Turkey’s AKP party incompatible with democracy

RICK MANNING, President of Americans for Limited Government:
  • Freedom of the internet at stake with ICANN
  • Both presidential candidates opposed to the TPP
  • Obama’s efforts to nationalize the police force
  • Trump’s speech concerning law and order

Alienated and Angry, Coal Miners See Donald Trump as Their Only Choice

Definitive showing that Trump did NOT mock disabled reporter

Much detail with comparison videos, and discussion of Muslim celebrations on 9/11.

CNN bias and a Black insurrectionist's "call for peace"

Racial insurrection. Please, can't we just carpet bomb their neighborhoods?

Donald Jr. and family at the Demolition Derby

Besides baseball and anything having to do with shooting, perhaps no sport better captures the true essence and demeanor of the regular American than this--the Demolition Derby.

The demolition derby last night at the Delaware County Fair in the ‪#‎catskills‬. Just one of many heats. Vanessa the kids and I had an amazing time and ate way too much fried food and ice cream. At the derby the kids went from total shock to not wanting to leave. ‪#‎goodtimes‬ ‪#‎familytime‬ ‪#‎family‬ ‪#‎demolitionderby

Louisiana floods Victim tearfully tells ABC he appreciates Trump's visit

"The Day I Went Head-To-Head With Donald Trump"

Whenever I hear someone complain that Donald Trump is “not presidential,” I reply, “Compared to whom? Which president are we talking about? How ‘presidential’ was Barack Obama in 2008 when he said of the Republicans, ‘If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun’?”

Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn: ISIS, Russia Discussed in Trump Intel Briefing

Trump tours flood-ravaged Louisiana with 18-wheeler of supplies

Friday, August 19, 2016

Louisiana Flood Victims to Trump: "We Knew You Would Be Here," "We Love You"

Landrieu praises Trump for Louisiana visit

Book shopping with the Nuge

Flynn: 7 min video showing why we need Trump-Pence

Tarek Fatah: Trump's Jihad Against Jihad Deserves Support

"Jihad against Jihad."  I like turning an enemy's own terminology against them.

Liberals now label female athletes from Muslim countries forced to wear bodysuits "liberated"

The assertion is that these Muslimas "choose" to wear the full bodysuits. The truth is, if they CHOSE to dress like these Germans, they would be killed. So don't believe the lies.

Center for Security Policy -- Trump's Reaganesque Strategy for Victory over Jihad

securefreedom just uploaded a video
securefreedom has uploaded Trump's Reaganesque Strategy for Victory over Jihad Donald Trump delivered the ...

securefreedom has uploaded Trump's Reaganesque Strategy for Victory over Jihad

This week (so far) on CGNS

  • Flashback: Obama Administration Denies Paying Rans...
  • Trump will do what Obama won't: Visit Louisiana
  • Birth of a nation
  • Hillary taking weekend off due to lack of air tran...
  • My "safe space"
  • Newt Gingrich weighs in on concerns over Hillary's...
  • When black 911 operators go bad and help their gan...
  • Trump-Pence Campaign Statement On Clinton's Unethi...
  • Immigrant Vetting is "as American as Apple Pie"
  • New Orleans floodings -- as different as Black and...
  • Fiorina: "Donald Trump gave an important speech la...
  • General Michael Flynn "We Should No Longer Be the ...
  • Trump hits one out of the park
  • Gorka: The war is real and the war is here
  • "Mr. Brexit"? Could it be?
  • Hillary is sick--let's admit it
  • The Case for Extreme Immigrant Vetting -- It's a p...
  • A bit about the Soros influence
  • Why Muslim "refugees" need to go
  • Hillary's XO pushing White Guilt--i.e., race treas...
  • A "brother from another mother" goes back at Clint...
  • Two Trump speeches turning the race
  • Never worry, NeverTrumpers! Trump can't do what so...
  • Is Islam a Religion? -- Why the First Amendment do...
  • FULL: "The Donald Trump Speech that if Everyone Sa...
  • "There you go, Momma. Take good care of your littl...
  • Donald J. Trump Announces Major Campaign Hires
  • Media covering up Hillary's health
  • Diana West: The Trick Is to Come Back from the Dea...
  • Editor of ConservativeHQ: Trump Channels Reagan in...
  • Breitbart: "Donald Trump's National Security Speec...
  • Trump visiting Milwaukee County War Memorial Cente...
  • Sheriff David Clarke Says Our Country Needs Law An...
  • Trump on ideological war against "Radical" Islam
  • Blatant CNN editing to give cover for racial insur...
  • Center for Security Policy: Trump's Reaganesque St...
  • Donald Trump's powerful new mission: "an all-out e...
  • Trump press release: CLINTON-OBAMA GITMO POLICIES ...
  • Brigitte Gabriel on Trump's foreign policy speech
  • Badass--Royal Marines and Apache helos
  • The Outdated Arguments Against National Missile De...
  • Gorka: "FINALLY: a candidate who gets that we r at...
  • Islam and "The Snake" (videos)
  • Hillary -- America's Merkel
  • Gingrich on Trump's foreign policy speech
  • Trump on international cooperation against Jihad
  • Jim Hanson: Trump "has a plan for Victory over Jih...
  • Trump foreign policy speech -- 15 AUG 2016
  • Under a Donald Trump Presidency #AllLivesMatter
  • A Tale of Two "Standing Ground" Cases
  • Sheriff Clarke calling out the National Guard -- M...
  • Giuliani: If they can riot over something like thi...
  • Trump looking to institute political tests for imm...
  • Katie Pavlich: 'There Aren't as Many Conservatives...
  • John Bolton on Trump's foreign policy
  • Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Trump Is Right, Obama and Cli...
  • Duncan Hunter: Why Donald Trump Has the Temperamen...
  • No joke -- this could fry what little is left of H...
  • Donald J. Trump is good form -- Full Event: Donald...
  • Hillary protected by Media
  • Trump: I'm not running against Clinton, "I'm runni...
  • Scott Adams: Trump might have won New York with th...
  • Gorka: BOTTOM LINE: Never Trumpniks Pave Hillary's...
  • Two words: Women drivers -- Destruction of the Ent...
  • Pastor Mark Burns talking across the Pond
  • Birth of a nation

    Hillary taking weekend off due to lack of air transport

    My "safe space"

    Trump-Pence Campaign Statement On Clinton’s Unethical State Department

    - August 18, 2016 -

    Statement On Clinton’s Unethical State Department

    “Hillary Clinton and her aides reportedly skipped their ethics training. That would make sense since Hillary was planning a criminal enterprise trading government favors for cash. As she focused on personal enrichment, the Middle East went up in flames and ISIS exploded onto the globe. Now, all the people who've been paying off Hillary for years are funding her campaign. Mr. Trump has proposed new ethics reforms to restore honor to our government, while Hillary Clinton is calculating how much money she can make selling the office of the Presidency for profit.” – Stephen Miller, National Policy Director

    Immigrant Vetting is "as American as Apple Pie"

    Fiorina: "Donald Trump gave an important speech last night—and he's right. Here's why"

    Trump hits one out of the park

    "Mr. Brexit"? Could it be?

    Hillary is sick--let's admit it

    Trump needs to run Hillary ragged. Look at Don Jr's Twitter. Hillary is sick. If Trump can stay on high message and just go-go-go, she will collapse. One good debate, and she'll be dead--possibly literally.

    The Case for Extreme Immigrant Vetting -- It's a practice as American as apple pie—and for good reason

    Alexander Hamilton (an immigrant):

    "To admit foreigners indiscriminately to the rights of citizens, the moment they put foot in our country … would be nothing less, than to admit the Grecian Horse into the Citadel of our Liberty and Sovereignty. … The United States have already felt the evils of incorporating a large number of foreigners into their national mass. … In times of great public danger there is always a numerous body of men, of whom there may be just grounds of distrust; the suspicion alone weakens the strength of the nation, but their force may be actually employed in assisting an invader."

    A bit about the Soros influence

    I don't usually say much about Soros.  He's too often just used as a boogie man.  But the truth is, he really is a danger.

    Wednesday, August 17, 2016

    Hillary's XO pushing White Guilt--i.e., race treason

    Two Trump speeches turning the race



    Newt Gingrich's take:

    Never worry, NeverTrumpers! Trump can't do what some might want him to do

    Is Islam a Religion? -- Why the First Amendment does not apply to Islam

    I've expressed on this for some time.

    And just as a point of comparison, even in the Old Testament at the very beginning of Israel's post-Exodus existence as a nation, you find a distinction between "church" (the Aaronic-level priesthood) and "state" (Aaron's brother Moses). And of course, later civil leaders were not necessarily even Levites, let alone Aaronites. The two were connected, yet one could separate them.

    Donald J. Trump Announces Major Campaign Hires

    - August 17, 2016 -

    Donald J. Trump Announces Major Campaign Hires

    Mr. Trump Appoints Stephen K. Bannon To Campaign CEO; Kellyanne Conway Promoted To Campaign Manager
    (New York, NY) August 17th, 2016 Donald J. Trump today announced that Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon has been appointed CEO, temporarily stepping down from his role with Breitbart News to work full-time on Mr. Trump’s campaign in a new position designed to bolster the business-like approach of Mr. Trump’s campaign. In addition, nationally respected pollster and Republican campaign strategist Kellyanne Conway, Founder and President of The Polling Company, Inc./WomanTrend, a privately held, woman-owned corporation, has been promoted to Campaign Manager. Paul Manafort will remain as Campaign Chairman and Chief Strategist.
    “I have known Steve and Kellyanne both for many years. They are extremely capable, highly qualified people who love to win and know how to win,” said Mr. Trump. “I believe we’re adding some of the best talents in politics, with the experience and expertise needed to defeat Hillary Clinton in November and continue to share my message and vision to Make America Great Again. I am committed to doing whatever it takes to win this election, and ultimately become President because our country cannot afford four more years of the failed Obama-Clinton policies which have endangered our financial and physical security.”

    These announcements come at a time of significant growth for Mr. Trump’s campaign, with the first major TV ad buy of the general election slated to start later this week and with additional top-flight operatives joining the movement on a near-daily basis.

    Mr. Bannon, once recognized by Bloomberg Politics as the “most dangerous political operative in America,” will oversee the campaign staff and operations in addition to strategic oversight of major campaign initiatives in addition to working with Mr. Manafort. Mr. Bannon, who goes by Steve, holds a Masters in National Security Studies from Georgetown University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Prior to joining Breitbart News, Mr. Bannon was an Officer in the U.S. Navy and also owned an investment bank that he sold to Societe Generale.

    Ms. Conway, a highly sought-after pollster, will work on messaging and travel frequently with Mr. Trump, while working closely with Mr. Bannon and Mr. Manafort on all aspects of the campaign moving forward.

    Paul Manafort, Campaign Chairman added, “It is imperative we continue to expand our team with top-tier talent. Steve and Kellyanne are respected professionals who believe in Mr. Trump and his message and will undoubtedly help take the campaign to new levels of success.”

    Media covering up Hillary's health

    Editor of ConservativeHQ: Trump Channels Reagan in The Battle with Radical Islam

    Breitbart: "Donald Trump’s National Security Speech: A Presidential Address"

    Sheriff David Clarke Says Our Country Needs Law And Order

    Blatant CNN editing to give cover for racial insurrectionist

    Center for Security Policy: Trump’s Reaganesque Strategy for Victory over Jihad

    Trump's Reaganesque Strategy for Victory over Jihad

    Yesterday, Donald Trump delivered the best speech of his campaign to date. Newt Gingrich rightly called it the most important since Ronald Reagan left office.

    In fact, in many ways, it was Reaganesque in its clarity about today's existential threat to freedom – what Trump calls "Radical Islam" – and his prescription for securing the sort of victory over it that President Reagan achieved over the last such threat: Soviet communism.

    Mr. Trump called for a comprehensive strategy aimed at protecting us against the hateful ideology Islamic supremacists call Sharia. Those who do not share our values and seek to supplant our Constitution with Sharia would not be welcome here. And he would roll-up the networks in this country that support Islamist radicalization.

    The stage is now set for the sort of national debate – and choice – that is long overdue and absolutely necessary.