Saturday, July 30, 2016

Why Muslim Rapists Prefer Blondes

Byzantium was long viewed by early Muslims as the most powerful, advanced, and wealthy "infidel" empire, one highly desired—not unlike modern Islamic views of the West today. And Byzantine women, or "white women," were long viewed as the "femme fatale" of Islam—from a carnal perspective, the most desired, from a pious perspective, the most despised of women.

NATO commander agrees members should pay up

"Only a Reagan or a Trump-like figure in the White House will achieve this goal."

Friday, July 29, 2016

More of the racial insurrection: Shouts of 'Black Lives Matter!' Interrupt Moment of Silence for Officers at DNC

All you need to know: VIDEO: CNN Wolf Blitzer drinks wine, dances to celebrate Hillary’s nomination



Hillary Clinton’s speech was an insulting collection of clichés and recycled rhetoric. She spent the evening talking down to the American people she’s looked down on her whole life.

Hillary Clinton talks about unity, about E Pluribus Unum, but her globalist agenda denies American citizens the protections to which they are all entitled – tearing us apart. Her radical amnesty plan will take jobs, resources and benefits fro...m the most vulnerable citizens of the United States and give them to the citizens of other countries. Her refusal to even say the words ‘Radical Islam’, or to mention her disaster in Libya, or her corrupt email scheme, all show how little she cares about the safety of the American people.

It’s a speech delivered from a fantasy universe, not the reality we live in today.

Hillary Clinton says America is stronger together. But in Hillary Clinton’s America, millions of people are left out in the cold. She only stands together with the donors and special interests who’ve bankrolled her entire life. Excluded from Hillary Clinton’s America are the suffering people living in our inner cities, or the victims of open borders and drug cartels, or the people who’ve lost their jobs because of the Clintons’ trade deals, or any hardworking person who doesn’t have enough money to get a seat at Hillary Clinton’s table.
If you need proof the liberal media are lying snakes in taking jokes, mockings, or light statements far too seriously, the reaction to Donald Trump Jr.'s tweet below ( see here:…/donald-trump-jr-convinced-obama-li… ) will demonstrate it conclusively. The upshot is, the news media lies about the character of things, and hopefully PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump will be able to put them in their place.

That First Amendment "freedom of the press" thing really needs to be revisited.

Donald Trump Jr.'s followup tweet in response to an inquiry as to whether he was "serious":

Just for something different... 6 Second Love (Official Video) - Whitney Woerz

From the singer: "Its about social media relationships--We dont get to know each other all the time as we are limited by what our apps will allow:)  Sometimes the best people are right there in front of us physically--And we never see them."

America, it’s time to dream again

ABC News: "Part of Texas described as “almost America”"

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against INVASION...." U.S. Constitution, Article 4, Section 4

ICYMI: Donald Trump Just Got Hillary Clinton To Admit Her E-mails Are A ‘National Security Issue’

Thursday, July 28, 2016

(From 2005) What al-Qaida (sic) Really Wants

08/12/2005 03:53 PM

The Future of Terrorism

What al-Qaida Really Wants

In the introduction, the Jordanian journalist writes, "I interviewed a whole range of al-Qaida members with different ideologies to get an idea of how the war between the terrorists and Washington would develop in the future." What he then describes between pages 202 and 213 is a scenario, proof both of the terrorists' blindness as well as their brutal single-mindedness. In seven phases the terror network hopes to establish an Islamic caliphate which the West will then be too weak to fight.

Full story at LINK.

Giuliani: Last night was the Democrat insider fantasy land

Trump statement on final day of DNC

Disconnected Dems can't respond to GOP's national security message

[T]he Clinton knee-jerk response of supporting Australian-style gun confiscation laws aimed at denying law-abiding Americans who live in those neighborhoods the right to defend their homes is a sure loser everywhere except in the gated, protected communities where she hangs out.

The Democratic National Convention, with its anti-cop, pro-illegal immigration and amnesty emphasis, is the exact wrong convention at the exact wrong time, and every drop of blood spilled by jihadists, illegal immigrants or Obama's early released criminals puts an exclamation point on the political disaster Clinton is leading.

Poll: Donald Trump Sees 17-Point Positive Swing in Two Weeks

My thought on how much a magnificent bastard Trump is

This is a comment about Donald J. Trump hoping Russia (or somebody) finds Hillary's deleted emails I left on a conservative site, on an article by a known defeatist who all the time tries to depress conservatives:

"And while Dems, NeverTrumpers, and [EDITED] desperately seek to find a crime in this whole thing, the Trump campaign has hijacked the news during the DNC, gotten the Dems to all but admit Hillary had very sensitive material in a place she wasn't supposed to have it (and probably committed the crime of obstruction of justice by deleting and denying), and made his opponents look like fools to people looking at his statement from a common sense perspective.

"Trump, you magnificent bastard."

Brigitte Gabriel: This is our time to rise

Muslim in Chief compares Trump to Jihadis -- Hypocrisy much

I don't know which response works best--"glass houses" for the "dictator" part, or "If Trump fails as 'badly' as Jihadis have under your regime, he'll own this continent and the Middle East by the end of his first term!"

A (tweet-length) Tale of Two Fence Jumpers

Real scene in Philly for DNC -- Won't see this on Mainstream Media

Oops! Russian ships displayed at DNC tribute to vets

Yes, it's a War on Whites

It's a racial insurrection, it will eventually come to virtual civil war, and the problem will be resolved. Just be ready.

#Hannity (7/27/16) Media Going Insane Over Donald Trump Comment Of 30,00...

By the end of the week, Donald J. Trump​ will be up five points and looking like the genius he is.

Donald Trump, you magnificent bastard! -- Krauthammer: Trump's Email 'Trap' Catches Hillary in 'Complete Contradiction'

If Hillary's deleted emails were private, then there's no national security concern.  But the Dems are saying there IS a national security concern, and so they are admitting there may be--or IS--more there than they admitted.  Obstruction of justice!

Krauthammer: Trump's Email 'Trap' Catches Hillary in 'Complete Contradiction'   

He explained that the Clinton campaign statement said it would be a "national security issue," which contradicts Clinton's repeated asserted that the missing 33,000 emails were all of a personal nature, not work-related.
"If that's what's really in the 33,000 emails, then there's no national security to be involved at all," Krauthammer said. "So the Clinton campaign ends up admitting that perhaps there really is work-related - if not classified - stuff on the emails which she deleted."

Media Follow Clinton Script on Trump, Russian Hackers, Hillary Emails

Full article: Media Follow Clinton Script on Trump, Russian Hackers, Hillary Emails

Trump’s abridged response to questions about Russian involvement in DNC email hacking, with reference to Hillary's illegal private server while serving as Secretary of State:
It’s just a total deflection, this whole thing with Russia … By the way, they hacked — they probably have her 33,000 e-mails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 e-mails that she lost and deleted because you’d see some beauties there. So let’s see….
[I]f it is Russia, nobody even knows this, it’s probably China, or it could be somebody sitting in his bed. But it shows how weak we are, it shows how disrespected we are … So I know nothing about it. It’s one of the most farfetched I’ve ever heard.

I have nothing to do with Putin. I’ve never spoken to him. I don’t know anything about him other than he will respect me. He doesn’t respect our president. And if it is Russia — which it’s probably not, nobody knows who it is — but if it is Russia, it’s really bad for a different reason, because it shows how little respect they have for our country, when they would hack into a major party and get everything. But it would be interesting to see — I will tell you this — Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens. That’ll be next. Yes, sir…

On a list of the top 500 most offensive or troubling things Trump has ever said, that would not even merit honorable mention and a consolation prize. But the media blew it up because it fit exactly with the script for the day, as laid out by the Clinton campaign for the press earlier in the morning.

Of course, Trump benefits as well. He is dominating the news cycle during the Democratic National Convention. And the public is being reminded, albeit indirectly, about Hillary Clinton’s email scandal — which is, after Benghazi, one of the most damning arguments against her as commander-in-chief. She put American lives at risk by mishandling classified information — a crime for which any other American would have faced severe consequences, such as losing their job or going to prison.

But the media think they are helping Clinton by reinforcing what they were told by the Clinton campaign to report. And so MSNBC, which is touting its temporary ratings boost during the convention, has had a slew of guests on the air to talk about how deeply concerned they are by Trump’s joke, how it breaks the sacred, unwritten rules of American political discourse.

This is how the media work, and how they cover Democrats. They let the party write the script, and eagerly play their part.

For more information: Trump: ‘Russia, If You’re Listening, I Hope You’re Able to Find the 30,000 E-Mails that Are Missing’
For related discussion prior to this event:

Trump: I hope someone can find the Hillary emails and turns them over

Not Just "An Absurd Murder," Pope Francis

"We Christians are familiar with that other concept of martyrdom. Jesus warned his Apostles that men of faith would kill them, thinking they had done God a favor. There have been other, more famous, mid-Mass murders in history. King Henry II of England had the Archbishop of Canterbury killed in his own Cathedral while saying Mass in 1170. The ruling class in El Salvador had Archbishop Oscar Romero murdered as he celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in San Salvador's Cathedral in 1980. But the murder of Father Hamel was a religious ritual, not a political assassination. It was a spiritual sacrifice by practitioners of the "religion of peace."

"Pope Francis, in the Vatican, referred to this killing as "an absurd murder." He could not be more wrong. This was a purposeful act of war against Judeo-Christian civilization. The murder of Father Jacques has great meaning. Our would-be replacements are telling us, "it is time for you to leave the stage of history.""

Pot and kettle at the DNC

Pence statement on who hacked DNC


“The FBI will get to the bottom of who is behind the hacking. If it is Russia and they are interfering in our elections, I can assure you both parties and the United States government will ensure there are serious consequences. That said, the Democrats singularly focusing on who might be behind it and not addressing the basic fact that they've been exposed as a party who not only rigs the government, but rigs elections while literally accepting cash for federal appointments is outrageous. The American people now have absolute and further proof of the corruption that exists around Hillary Clinton. It should disqualify her from office, if the media did their job."

- Governor Mike Pence, Vice Presidential Candidate

Donald Trump FULL Scathing Response To Hillary Clinton, DNC at Press Conference (7-27-16)

Starts at 33:35 point.  Truly in form--strong, stable, and holding firm.

10:32 point: Start of where Donald J. Trump​ starts statement leading to his soon-to-be-famous, "I know you're trying to save her" line.

Robinson: "What's the common denominator in all these, I wonder?"

Millennials are less likely to support gun control than you might think

"An October 2015 Gallup poll found that 50 percent of 18-29-year-olds support stricter gun laws compared to 57 percent of those 30-49, 56 percent among those 50-64, and 55 percent among those 65 and older."

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

"While America’s Politicos Party, the Global Jihad Escalates"

We can only hope that the elected leaders here in America recognize the frenetic pace of Jihadi activity worldwide and realize their duty to make defeating Jihad the number 1 national priority.

Counter to the claim Donald J. Trump is in the tank for the Russians

But let's imagine that this Wikileak gusher is proven to be a Russian hack. How can any self-respecting intelligence student not at least consider whether Putin is in fact throwing a lifeline of an issue -- Trump as "Russian stooge" -- to his own ever-pliable but catastrophically damaged candidate, Crooked Hillary?

Full article:

Remember, for all your important news on the important issues of the day, check Cats, Guns, and National Security--the premiere spot on the Net for what I say you should know. *:D big grin

Trump-Pence at VFW 2016

Mike Pence (3 minutes, 26 seconds):

Full Trump-Pence event:

Related posts:

Trump on Veterans services reform

Full transcript of Donald J. Trump's speech on VA reform.

(Via ACT! for America) Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine's Islamist Ties

Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 12:49 PM
Subject: Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine's Islamist Ties

Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine's Islamist Ties
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Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine's
Islamist Ties

Dear LEE,

Hillary Clinton has chosen Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her VP, but his suspicious history of Islamic ties has raised some red flags. Kaine has a background in funding Islamic organizations, has appointed a Hamas sympathizer as a Muslim Brotherhood front leader, and even spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect.

Can we really trust this kind of "leadership" in our White House?  The upcoming elections may be the most important in our nation's history.  We urge you to get educated and think carefully about who is best to protect our nation and its democratic freedoms in the years ahead. 

Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine's Islamist Ties
Ryan Mauro, Clarion Project

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's newly-announced running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, has a history of embracing Islamists. He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission; spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect and received donations from well-known Islamist groups.
Appointing a Muslim Brotherhood Front Leader Who Supports Hamas
In 2007, Kaine was the Governor of Virginia and, of all people chose Muslim American Society (MAS) President Esam Omeish to the state's Immigration Commission. A Muslim organization against Islamism criticized the appointment and reckless lack of vetting.
Federal prosecutors said in a 2008 court filing that MAS was "founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America." A Chicago Tribune investigation in 2004 confirmed this, as well as MAS' crafty use of deceptive semantics to appear moderate. Convicted terrorist and admitted U.S. Muslim Brotherhood member Abdurrahman Alamoudi testified in 2012, "Everyone knows that MAS is the Muslim Brotherhood."
According to Omeish's website, he was also president of the National Muslim Students Association (click there to read our profile about its Muslim Brotherhood origins) and served for two years on the national board of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which the Justice Department also labeled as a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity and unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-financing trial.
His website says he was the vice president of Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, a radical mosque known for its history of terror ties, including having future Al-Qaeda operative Anwar Al-Awlaki as its imam and being frequented by two of the 9/11 hijackers and Nidal Hasan, the perpetrator of the Fort Hood shooting. Omeish's website says he remains a board member.
Omeish's website also says he was a member of the board of Islamic American University, which had Hamas financier and Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yousef Al-Qaradawi chairman of its board until at least 2006.

Read the entire story here.
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