Thursday, November 3, 2016

Trump Announces Second Amendment Coalition

November 03, 2016 -

​Donald J. Trump Announces Second Amendment Coalition

NEW YORK, NY - Donald J. Trump is pleased to announce his Second Amendment Coalition. These women and men are grassroots leaders and elected officials who fight for individual liberties, support the right to carry personal protection and will defend the Second Amendment.

“My father defends the Second Amendment, so that you and I and your spouse and your children can take care of themselves when someone much stronger, much meaner and much more vicious than them tries to break into their home, "said Coalition Chairman Donald J. Trump, Jr. “It's not just a hobby or something I do on the weekends. It's a lifestyle; and as my father often says, ‘this is about self-defense, plain and simple.’”

“This election isn’t about the next four years. It’s about the next
forty years, so voting for Hillary Clinton, or not voting, is simply not an option,” said Coalition Chairman Christopher Cox. “The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that we have a fundamental, individual right to protect ourselves and our families with a firearm in our own homes. Clinton said ‘the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment.’ A Clinton Supreme Court means your right to own a firearm is gone.”

The Second Amendment Coalition for Trump-Pence includes joint Chairmen Donald J. Trump, Jr. and Christopher Cox, and 62 co-chairs. These leaders will continue to advise Mr. Trump and Governor Pence as they protect our Supreme Court and our right to keep and bear arms.

Hillary Clinton will appoint radical Supreme Court justices that will virtually abolish the Second Amendment. Hillary Clinton will overturn the Supreme Court ruling that affirmed the Second Amendment as a private right, so that any city or state in this country can ban private gun ownership. Donald Trump will appoint Supreme Court Justices that will abide by the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States; and that includes upholding the Second Amendment. The people have a clear choice.

Chairman Donald J. Trump, Jr.
Chairman Christopher Cox

The Honorable Jim Gilmore
U.S. Rep. Rob Bishop
U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer
U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson
U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer
U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock
U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise
Ron Adams
Thomas Alibrando
Paul Babaz
Diane Bahnson
Ronnie Barrett
B. Dan Berger
John Boch
Eli Bremer
Dave Butz
Bob Callan
Bill Chapman
Richard Childress
Allan Cors
Marty Daniel
Carrie-Lee Early
Kelli A. Emerick
Daniel Fabricant, Ph.D.
Dennis Feldpusch
Casey Flack
Alex Flint
John Green
Matthew Haller
Donna Head
Antonio Hernandez
Graham Hill
Kevin Hogan
Susan Howard
Jesse James
Larsen Jensen
Brad Johnson
Michael Kassnar
Doug Koenig
George Kollitides
Willis Lee
Brian V. McCormack
James B. "Jay" McDonald, III Esq.
Wally McLallen
Carolyn Meadows
Dale A. Miller
Craig Morgan
Don Peay
Judson W. Phillips
Kim Rhode
Barbara Rumpel
Michelle Scott, Esq.
Reinhard Seipp
Christopher Shields
Kevin "Kip" Talley
James W. Tobin, III
Rob Unkovic
Theresa Vail
Daniel Volkmuth
Joshua Waldron
Linda Walker
Tom Yackley