Wednesday, November 9, 2016

My own (unintentional) summation of the Trump campaign and our future under his Presidency

This is a comment I posted in a back-and-forth I had on Facebook, with the owner of the page coming in and playing peacemaker.  It went long, but it put together some rather grounded thoughts about the whole situation. 

To understand context, the other party has talked about going bearish on his finances due to Trump and a GOP Congress.

Here it is:

And truly, I do wish you the best in all of that. As with any new administration with new ideas, there's always uncertainty. What is fairly certain is that the track we've been on as a nation is destined for disaster in every sense. We need new and bold ideas to turn things around QUICKLY and save it. Our individual/family wellbeing, our national sovereignty was in danger, not to mention SCOTUS and the Second Amendment. It registered with me when he said in a more narrow context, "What the hell do you have to lose?"--that is, by implementing his ideas. It reminded me of something I heard about him months before (a turn of phrase not original): "When I first heard him, I thought he was crazy. Then I realized he was the only sane man in the room."

We need something done, and quickly. No one else could offer that. He alone could rewrite the old and stale political playbook seemingly designed to favor the Left. He's not an ideologue. He alone could offer ideas and thoughts that once would be anathema for Republicans, and do so without the anti-American, anti-whatever baggage of liberals and libertarians. He is a man who cares about the country, and won't let PC or traditional ideological straitjackets get in the way of saving it.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he's wrong. Maybe we've gone too far. But I'd rather see our country and our people and heritage go down fighting tooth and nail (in EVERY sense of the term) than to quietly fade into the night (waxing poetic plagiarism, I know). Hillary would have been a disaster in virtually every way. None of the other GOP candidates could have withstood her assaults (if they didn't have dirt, she'd have planted it). Trump showed he can take virtually any shot. We need that type of person as leader.

"Do not hesitate to raise up a flawed man if circumstances require it." Well, I believe we've hit that circumstance.

So again, I do truly do wish you the best in your circumstances. Only time will tell, but I do believe we dodged a bullet yesterday with Hillary.