Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Diana West: Must-Reading for Fence-Sitters


The first is an interview at Pajamas Media with Kathy Shelton's lawyer and advocate, Candice Jackson... spotlighting her callousness and ruthlessness in this trampling of a 12 year old rape victim.    

The second is an article by Leo Hohmann about the UN agenda to force continuous migration from the Third World into the cities and towns of the West, and how close this same agenda is to Hillary "I dream of open borders" Clinton's promised policies...

Finally, the latest from La Belle Paris, where warring tribes, mainly from Sudan, Libya, Afghanistan and Eritrea, have turned [Paris] into a battleground.

Import warring tribes, they will make war. It is projected that Hillary Clinton would import one million Muslims in her first term.

Just watch the video (above) and #MAGA. It's so simple!