Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Op-Ed: People letting themselves be diverted from issues by salacious stories

More information is coming out everyday of the corruption, true ideology, and even hypocrisy of the whole Clinton machine.  Yet people seem uninterested.  Of course, the truth is that they are being intentionally distracted by tabloid stories about what Donald J. Trump SAID--not even did, but SAID--as a show business icon among people saying and DOING the same and more.  Salacious stories catch the imagination and serve to demoralize supporters.  They bear no bearing on the issues of this election, nor on the ability of Trump to carry out as President the agenda he has laid out.  If the American people cannot focus on the real stories of material substance about Hillary, and move past emotion on the tabloid stories about Trump, then the guilt for the fall of America rests entirely on them.

It's not about Trump.  It's about America.