Monday, August 8, 2016

Senator David Perdue Statement On Trump Economic Plan

ICYMI: Senator David Perdue Statement On Trump Economic Plan

“Despite what you’ve heard on his legacy tour, President Obama’s economic policies have failed the very people he claims to champion: the hard working middle class women and men in America. Millions of Georgians and Americans are still struggling to make it from payday to payday. This is unacceptable, but not unexpected when we have someone in the White House who had never run a real business before. If Americans want different results from Washington, than we must send a different kind of person to the White House.

“Today, we heard a bold vision from Donald Trump - an outsider and businessman - who is listening to the American people. He understands what it means to take risks and deliver results through lower taxes, less regulation, and solving our debt crisis. We know Hillary Clinton will go further with the same failed economic policies that haven’t worked for years. Clinton wants higher taxes, more spending, and she will continue to kill the coal industry. In order to reinvigorate our economy, we must reduce redundant programs, roll back Washington’s regulatory regime, and unlock our nation’s full energy potential. Mr. Trump understands what it takes to unleash economic growth, and with his leadership we can make America great again.” - Senator David Perdue (R-GA)

Full speech here.