Friday, July 15, 2016

(From Germany) Socialist Youth Leader Lies About Her Rapists’ Ethnic Backgrounds

She told police they were all White and speaking German, but they were actually Muslim Hijra migrants speaking Arabic and Farsi.

Socialist Youth Leader Lies About Her Rapists’ Ethnic Backgrounds: Leftist madness in Germany reaches new heights

“It doesn’t make sense. Why go to the police at all if you are going to lie?”
The answer could be that Goren’s lie may not have concerned only her fear of inciting racism against migrants. After all, her remaining silent about the sexual assault would have accomplished that.
Goren may rather have seen the incident as an opportunity to cast white Germans in the same negative light as migrants, who have received so much bad press in recent months regarding sexual crimes against women and children. If such is the case, one must then ask who here is the real racist?