Thursday, July 7, 2016

CRITIQUE OF Ann Coulter: My VP Prediction — Donald Trump's First Mistake

My comment on Diana West's posting of this article by The Legged One, Ann Coulter:

You two are gonna ruin it. First, anyone taking the VP slot will be prepared to face the, "Look what that bigot Trump said!" inquiry.

Second, "Staffs" can't do it all. He needs some sort of insider who knows who is good and who is bad for staff.

Third--specifically for
Newt Gingrich--Trump's weak point is KNOWLEDGE. Trump is, to adapt a phrase used about him, a "Tea Partier with a bank balance." He simply doesn't know a lot of the things involved in what it takes to operate in government, politics, and related non-commercial, non-personal endeavors ("TRIAD," anyone?). Gingrich is smart--very smart. He is NOT the typical double-digit IQ Tea Party-type who thinks women can't get pregnant from rape (Todd Akin), can't count to 21 without getting naked, or can't spell or even read what he's tweeting (Daniel Scavino Jr.).

Diana West, you are making the mistake so many libertarian-types make--most people don't agree with you on some of your more esoteric ideas. Trump got away with alluding to conspiracy theories to draw in some from the tinfoil-hat crowd because he's "the last great hope for America" (thank you, Robert Davi), and because he's Donald Trump! It's not that most people believe them. Some of his supporters took umbrage at his citing of lines straight from MoveOn[dot]org. They are much more mainstream--both generally mainstream, and mainstream conservative/Right--and they would like someone a little more mainstream (like Gingrich, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, etc.) on the ticket to give it--and the Trump administration--some balance and reality.

As for
Ann Coulter, remember, she wanted Mitt Romney to be the VP for the longest time. She's not thinking totally straight here (I can already hear the jokes and shots on that one). I loved that line negative of someone being "in love with his own press notices." No one holds a candle to Trump on that one.

You are not going to get an administration of Trump and mini-Trump. It would be both unelectable and incapable.

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