Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Full Speech: Donald Trump Delivers Economic Policy Speech in Monessen, P...

Transcript here:

Ann Coulter's bullet points of speech:

•Globalization has wiped out our middle class
•The people who rigged the system will say anything to keep thing the way they are.
Now it's time for the American people to take back their future...
•AMERICA became the dominant economy by becoming the world's dominant PRODUCER
•Today we import $800 billion more than we export
•Founding fathers wanted this country to be strong independent and free.
•Time to declare our independence once again.
•Havoc that NAFTA wreaked is unbelievable
•TPP would be the death blow for American manufacturing
•Hillary took a leading role in drafting TPP
•We need bilateral trade deals, don't need massive international TPP
•We already have a trade war- and we're losing!
•Hillary unleashed a trade war against the American worker
•Trump admin will make sure we use American steel to rebuild our infrastructure
•American steel (& aluminum) and American workers will rebuild our inner cities
•You're going to be proud proud proud of your country again!