Wednesday, August 22, 2012

From NRA: Obama is not counting on this

 Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 1:42 PM
Subject: Obama is not counting on this
Obama is not Counting on This
Ten Facts Every Voter Must Know about Barack Obama�s Fast & Furious Scandal

Did you ever think you'd see a President so radically anti-gun that he would arm Mexican drug cartels and endanger American lives to push a gun control agenda?

That's exactly what Barack Obama and his administration did.

At least one U.S. Border Patrol agent and hundreds of Mexican citizens have been murdered with guns given to violent drug cartels with the help of the Obama administration.

And despite all of this, most mainstream media outlets refuse to cover the critical parts of this story.
The media doesn't care how many innocent Americans and Mexicans die as a result of the Obama administration's illegal Fast and Furious operation. They just want to protect their President and help Obama win reelection.
So it's up to you, me and NRA-ILA to get these ten facts about Fast and Furious into the hands of as many voters as possible before Election Day.

Media elitists will go to any length to defend Barack Obama and destroy our firearm freedoms...even if it means helping Obama cover up the biggest White House scandal since Watergate.

Please help NRA-ILA break through the media's information blockade by emailing, printing, sharing through Facebook, and distributing this Fast and Furious Fact Sheet to every gun owner you know.

With your help, we can beat Obama on Election Day!!!


Chris W. Cox
Executive Director, NRA-ILA

P.S. I need your help to get this Fact Sheet into the hands of as many voters as possible. Whatever you can afford to contribute to NRA-ILA today whether it's $10, $15, $20 or more - - every dollar will help us beat Obama on November 6. THANK YOU.
Get your FREE copy of NRA-ILA's
Fast and Furious Fact Sheet!
Get your free copy of NRA-ILA's fast and furious fact sheet!

National Rifle Association - Institute for Legislative Action * 11250 Waples Mill Road * Fairfax, VA 22030

From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] Fort Hood jihad mass murderer’s Muslim beard still causing case delay

Quote from the article: "Shave him, try him, execute him." 
I support two of these.

Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 1:19 PM
Subject: [New post] Fort Hood jihad mass murderer's Muslim beard still causing case delay
actforamericahouston posted: "by Robert Spencer "Hasan has grown a beard in violation of Army regulations, saying it's an expression of his Muslim faith." So what? His jihad murders were also an expression of his Muslim faith. He has violated army regulations, but what the U.S. C"
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New post on ACT! for America Houston


Fort Hood jihad mass murderer's Muslim beard still causing case delay

by actforamericahouston
by Robert Spencer "Hasan has grown a beard in violation of Army regulations, saying it's an expression of his Muslim faith." So what? His jihad murders were also an expression of his Muslim faith. He has violated army regulations, but what the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces fails to understand is that [...]
                  actforamericahouston | August 22, 2012 at 12:19 pm | Tags: Fort Hood TX massacre, Infiltration, Islam, Major Nidal Hasan, sharia law, terrorism | Categories: Evil, Existential threats, Infiltration, Islam | URL:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

From NRA: Freedom Times, Issue no. 81

 Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 6:00 PM
Subject: Freedom Times, Issue no. 81
Wayne LaPierre's Freedom Times Issue No. 78

August 2012

White House: Obama Wants Assault Weapons Ban
Obama Wants Assault Weapons Ban

In the wake of tragic shootings in Aurora, Colorado and Oak Creek, Wisconsin, the White House made it clear that President Obama is in favor of more gun control laws...

Watch this
ATF Whistleblower's Revenge Case Settled
By Jerry Seper, Washington Times

A Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agent who blew the whistle on the botched Fast and Furious gunrunning investigation and, according to lawmakers, was threatened with losing his job has successfully resolved a retaliation claim...

Read this
Report: ATF Gun Part of Plan to Kill Juarez Police Chief Julián Leyzaola
By Diana Washington Valdez, El Paso Times

A weapon tied to "Operation Fast and Furious" was seized in Tijuana in connection with a drug cartel's conspiracy to kill the police chief of Tijuana, Baja California, who later became the Juárez police chief, according to a U.S. government report...

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Anti-Gun Lawmakers Push Ammunition Sales Ban

U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) introduced legislation that would impose sweeping new--and not so new--restrictions on ammunition sales. The bills, S. 3458 and H.R. 6241, are known as the "Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act."...

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Cravaack Wants More Money to Arm Pilots
By Corey Mitchell, Minneapolis Star Tribune

U.S. Rep. Chip Cravaack is challenging the Transportation Security Administration and the White House over potential cuts to a program that arms airline pilots as the last line of defense against hijackers...

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Illinois: Governor Abuses Amendatory Veto Powers to Propose Semi-Auto Ban
Governor Abuses Amendatory Veto Powers to Propose Semi-Auto Ban
NRA Videos

Governor Pat Quinn (D) vetoed the NRA-backed ammunition purchase reform bill, SB 681, after this legislation had passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. In an attempt to exploit the recent tragedy in Colorado, Quinn used his Amendatory Veto powers in a foolhardy attempt to impose more gun control...

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Issue No. 81

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From ACT! for America: Iran will have nuclear bomb by Oct. 1

 Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 9:57 AM
Subject: Iran will have nuclear bomb by Oct. 1
homelearnactdonatelocal chaptersContact Congress
ACT! for America

August 20, 2012

"Iran will have a nuclear bomb by October 1"

Dear Lee,

Gerard Direct recently posted the article below (highlights added), one which has been largely lost amid the clamor of the election campaigns and the continuing drumbeat of bad economic news.

Iran Will Have a Nuclear-bomb by October 1

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report - August 13, 2012

At its present rate of enrichment, Iran will have 250 kilograms of 20-percent grade uranium, exactly enough to build its first nuclear bomb, in roughly six weeks, and two-to- four bombs by early 2013, debkafile's military and intelligence sources report. Hence the leak by an unnamed Israeli security source Sunday, Aug. 12, disclosing Iran's progress in developing the detonator and fuses for a nuclear warhead which can be fitted onto Shehab-3 ballistic missiles capable of reaching Israel.

Since 20 percent refined uranium is a short jump to weapons grade fuel, Iran will have the capability and materials for building an operational nuclear bomb by approximately October 1.

This knowledge is not news to US President Barack Obama, Saudi King Abdullah, Syrian ruler Bashar Assad, or Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu – and certainly not to Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Netanyahu's comment at the opening of the weekly cabinet meeting Sunday: "All threats against the home front are dwarfed by one – Iran must not be allowed to have nuclear arms!" – was prompted by that deadline.

Ex-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert did not have that information when he "assured" Tel Aviv students Sunday, "Iran's nuclear program has not reached the threshold necessitating Israeli action now or in the near future." He further claimed that Israel's "defense leaders" don't subscribe to the view that "action now is unavoidable." Olmert, who stepped down under a cloud of suspected corruption in 2009, has not since then had access to regular intelligence briefings on Iran. So either he spoke out of ignorance or willfully joined an opposition chorus of voices speaking out against Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

The fact is that when Olmert approved the Israeli strike for destroying a nuclear reactor under construction by Iran and North Korea in northern Syria in September 2007, Iran was years away from accumulating enough enriched uranium and the capability to build nuclear warheads. Both are now within Tehran's grasp in weeks.

Leading an opposition campaign to bring down the incumbent government is legitimate. Discrediting belated Israeli action to pre-empt a nuclear Iran as fodder for that campaign is not. If what Olmert and Barack (the same defense minister as today) did in 2007 was necessary then, action now for delaying Iran's imminent "breakout" to a bomb is many times more necessary and far more urgent.

However Netanyahu and Barak have put themselves in a straitjacket by two lapses:

1. By foot-dragging on their decision for two years, they have led their opponents at home and in Washington – and Khamenei's office too – to believe that, by turning on the heat, they can hold Israel back from military action against Iran's nuclear program until it is too late. The time has been used not just for Iranian nuclear progress, but to enlist ex-politicians and retired generals at home and add them to the voices, especially in the White House, which believe Israel can learn to live with a nuclear-armed Iran.

2. Netanyahu and Barak have behaved as though a decision on Iran is in their exclusive province, insulated from the turmoil and change swirling through Israel's Arab neighbors in the past two years.

But the Middle East has a way of catching up with and rushing past slow-moving politicians:

Sunday, at 10:00 a.m. Netanyahu warned his ministers that no threat was worse than a nuclear Iran. At 17:55 p.m., Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi dropped a bombshell in Cairo. In one fell swoop, he smashed the Egyptian military clique ruling the country for decades, sacked the Supreme Military Council running Egypt since March 2011 and cut the generals off from their business empire by appropriating the defense ministry and military industry.

That fateful eight hours-less-five-minutes have forced Israel's leaders to take a second look at their plans for Iran.

Morsi's lightning decisions were the finishing touches that proved the Islamist Bedouin terror attacks in Sinai of Aug. 5 fitted neatly into a secret master plan hatched by Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood to seize full control of rule in Cairo – a plan debkafile first revealed exclusively last Friday, Aug. 10.

Netanyahu now faces one of the hardest dilemmas of his political career – whether to go forward with the Iran operation, which calls for mustering all Israel's military and defense capabilities – especially for the repercussions, after being suddenly confronted with unforeseen security challenges on its southwestern border, for thirty years a frontier of peace.

The exceptional talents of Netanyahu and Barak to put off strategic decisions until they are overtaken by events has landed Israel in an especially perilous plight, surrounded now by a soon-to-be nuclear-armed Iran from the east; threatened Syrian chemical warfare from the north and the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt to its south.


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