Wednesday, August 22, 2012

From NRA: Obama is not counting on this

 Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 1:42 PM
Subject: Obama is not counting on this
Obama is not Counting on This
Ten Facts Every Voter Must Know about Barack Obama�s Fast & Furious Scandal

Did you ever think you'd see a President so radically anti-gun that he would arm Mexican drug cartels and endanger American lives to push a gun control agenda?

That's exactly what Barack Obama and his administration did.

At least one U.S. Border Patrol agent and hundreds of Mexican citizens have been murdered with guns given to violent drug cartels with the help of the Obama administration.

And despite all of this, most mainstream media outlets refuse to cover the critical parts of this story.
The media doesn't care how many innocent Americans and Mexicans die as a result of the Obama administration's illegal Fast and Furious operation. They just want to protect their President and help Obama win reelection.
So it's up to you, me and NRA-ILA to get these ten facts about Fast and Furious into the hands of as many voters as possible before Election Day.

Media elitists will go to any length to defend Barack Obama and destroy our firearm freedoms...even if it means helping Obama cover up the biggest White House scandal since Watergate.

Please help NRA-ILA break through the media's information blockade by emailing, printing, sharing through Facebook, and distributing this Fast and Furious Fact Sheet to every gun owner you know.

With your help, we can beat Obama on Election Day!!!


Chris W. Cox
Executive Director, NRA-ILA

P.S. I need your help to get this Fact Sheet into the hands of as many voters as possible. Whatever you can afford to contribute to NRA-ILA today whether it's $10, $15, $20 or more - - every dollar will help us beat Obama on November 6. THANK YOU.
Get your FREE copy of NRA-ILA's
Fast and Furious Fact Sheet!
Get your free copy of NRA-ILA's fast and furious fact sheet!

National Rifle Association - Institute for Legislative Action * 11250 Waples Mill Road * Fairfax, VA 22030