Thursday, December 6, 2012

Syrian chemical weapons = Iraqi WMDs??? (from story comments)

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P.J.G.B. 1 hr 26 mins agoReport Abuse
Let's roll things back a few years, shall we ? ANYONE care to speculate about where those chemical weapons came from ? The truth, after all, has been plain as day to everyone but U.S. since we gave the bad guys all that time to move them.
11 Replies
  • Crystal
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    Crystal 1 hr 18 mins agoReport Abuse
    LOL. Yes. There is no way a government that cannot even crush an uprising (albeit one financed by the US) could have the funding or the technology, to MASS produce this kind of chemical agent. Reports are that they have massive quantities of at least 3 different nerve agents. So, it's pretty easy to speculate that these weapons are a. financed by the Russians or b. smuggled from Iraq, who was also financed by the Russians. The Russians support these psychopathic dictators until the US comes knocking at the door with the military, then they step back and "distance" themselves from the problem....while trying to figure out what terrible dictator they will finance next. Wonderful. Russia is quite seriously the underlying problem here.
  • Michael
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    Michael 1 hr 2 mins agoReport Abuse
    So if your saying - with no facts or information to back you up, that the syrians got the chemical weapons from Iraq, when we attacked them, wouldnt that make this bushs fault then?
  • GreatOzHasSpoken
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    GreatOzHasSpoken 48 mins agoReport Abuse
    @Michael--- Your reasoning is very immature and childish as well as 'party' flawed. Go to the ER immediately for a brain transplant.
  • Mark
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    Mark 43 mins agoReport Abuse
    Perhaps we have found Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.
  • RickN
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    RickN 37 mins agoReport Abuse
    Oz, you're the one needing a brain transplant. Michael followed a logical path of reasoning. Your post? Not so much.

    I recall speaking with someone whose son-in-law worked for the CIA. He was told of our satellites' ability to discern very small details from their very high orbit around the earth. Then he said Iraq's WMD were smuggled out of Iraq. But if we have such awesome spy satellites, how could this have happened without our noticing it? Seems to be an inconsistency there. It's quite a jump to presuppose that Syria's WMD are from Iraq. Until you or someone else comes up with the objective evidence to support this allegation, it's a bunch of baloney being spread by hysterical people with no other sense of self worth.
  • N.D.
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    N.D. 36 mins agoReport Abuse
    Back in '03 I said Iraq's Saddam Hussein had successfully smuggled his WMDs out of Iraq into Syria. And I predicted that they'd keep them under wraps for about 10 years til they were all but forgotten. Then we'd have to deal with them. Looks like I was right.
  • Mark H
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    Mark H 24 mins agoReport Abuse
    Clap clap clap Michael. What brilliant logic. Bush tells Iraq they will be invaded if they don't let the weapons inspectors back in and he refuses in the face of that invasion, we don't find the weapons because he moved them, and that makes it Bush's fault? There were in fact very credible reports that there were WMD moved from Iraq to Syria pre-invasion. All you libs who like to pretend you sit here fat and safe due to dumb luck and second guess every move (except by your own 'party') sicken me. You are the same idiot(s) who simultaneosly scream about the Patriot Act and blame Bush for 9/11. I wish we could go back in time and have Bush implement the type of airport and other securities we have now in a pre 9-11 world and watch you sneer and scream about your rights when he tried to explain it was to protect you against a handful of terrorists.

    And Rick N go read and learn about how politics work; we were told to stand down. We DID notice. We also noticed before the invasion that China, France, Russia were falling over themselves selling weapons to Saddam (many of our own planes were shot down by French made missiles), they were building missile jamming systems, moving his communications systems to underground fiber optics and helping to develop nuclear capability. It is WHY France kept blocking us in the UN. It is reported in fact that they miscalculated America's resolves and told Saddam to just hold tight and they'd block the invasion in the UN.

    You know what scares me more then Assad with chemical weapons (you know, the son of the man that kiled 20,000 'rebels' in a single day in Hama)? Saddam's Iraq (theone that gassed his own people, had trenched filled with are reported 1/2 million men/women/children, tried to take over the oil in the gulf, attacked Kuwait because he owed them billions they lent him for the war he waged against Iran) alive and well, with untouchable communication capabilities, armed to the teeth with French/Russian planes/rockets/missiles, Russian jamming systems and French nuclear reactors. You want to talk about an expensive war, try THAT one on for size. You want to talk about a terrorist threat, try that one on for size. And guess who our friends the frogs would be turning to when an almost untouchable Saddam relaunched his bid for Saudi/Kuwait.

    You second guessing blame-it-on-bush idiots make me sick.
  • Russianwolf
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    Russianwolf 18 mins agoReport Abuse
    The Gas mixtures in in the bombs only last 60 days till they have to be removed and disposed of. So there is no way for these new bombs to be from 10 years ago.
  • Crystal
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    Crystal 14 mins agoReport Abuse
    From what I am able to research Russianwolf, you are correct about that. Iraqi Sarin and tabun have a shelf life of approximately 5 years. VX lasts a bit longer, but not much. I am not a chemist, so I am unsure if there is a way to preserve these weapons or to prolong their shelf life. It does make it seem doubtful that these are THE wmd's from Iraq. I will not back off my comment about the Russians funding Assad though, because that is common knowledge.
  • David
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    David 10 mins agoReport Abuse
    ND, you are right. Guess who sold Saddam the chemical weapons in the first place? The chemical artillery shells recovered in Iraq were of American Manufacture. Do you remember our honest media or government reporting anything obout that at the time?
  • Amy
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    Amy 10 mins agoReport Abuse
    @ Russianwolf--Thank you! A quick wikipedia search helped me to understand how short a shelf-life sarin gas has last night. That's the difference between people that just talk to hear themselves and those that actually do research before they open their mouths. Educate yourselves people!
  • ltw03y
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    ltw03y a second agoRemove
    The matter of shelflife in this discussion presumes it matters to the Syrian authorities. The mere semi-credible threat of chemical weapons has an intimidation factor on people like the rebels there. It might be the missing and expired Iraqi stuff, and the Syrians are running a fake. Plus, poison is poison, even if not as effective as it was ten years ago.