Tuesday, November 20, 2012

From Center for Security Policy: Obamawar (Plus: The Egyptian Bomb)

 Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 1:08 PM
Subject: Obamawar (Plus: The Egyptian Bomb)
National Security Brief: Monday, November 19, 2012


by Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.

While debating Mitt Romney this fall, Barack Obama declared that he had decided to embrace the term "Obamacare" - a name originally coined and to that point only used by its detractors to tie the president firmly to the health care fiasco he had spawned.  Perhaps he will, therefore, not object if we dub the escalating conflict in the Middle East by a similarly apt name: Obamawar.
After all, frantic efforts underway at the moment by assorted diplomats aimed at  containing hostilities between Israel and the terrorist enclave known as the Gaza Strip (primarily by blocking Israel's decisive retaliation) cannot obscure a dismal reality:  The crescendo of rockets and missiles unleashed by the Palestinians on Israeli civilians are a predictable repercussion of President Obama's reckless defense and foreign policies.

Professor Raymond Stock: 'The Egyptian Bomb'

Professor Raymond Stock is former Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic and Middle East Studies at Drew University (2010-11), Guggenheim Fellow (2007), and lived in Cairo for 20 years (1990-2010).  Professor Stock discussed the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the development of an Egyptian bomb, and Egypt's relationship with Iran at a Capitol Hill luncheon co-sponsored by the Center the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET).

Dr. Andrew Bostom: Sharia vs. Freedom

Dr. Andrew Bostom, the author of The Legacy of Jihad and The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism has just published his latest work: Sharia Versus Freedom—The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism The Center and the Zionist Organization of America co-sponsored a conversation with Dr. Bostom on Capitol Hill on the theme of "Sharia Without Camouflage: Implications for America."
Click here to watch video of the presentation...

2012 Mightier Pen Award: Monica Crowley

On December 11, 2012 the Center for Security Policy will honor radio host and bestselling author Monica Crowley with the Mightier Pen Award. The Award recognizes journalists who promote the need for robust US national security policies through the indispensability of American strength to preserving international peace.
As a political and foreign affairs analyst, Ms Crowley has been a long-standing supporter of the Center's belief that America's national power must be preserved and properly used; for it holds a unique global role in maintaining peace and stability.
Ms Crowley's new book, What the (Bleep) Just Happened?, asks the questions that are on the minds of Americans today and makes the case for a "great American comeback," including a return to the security posture that made America great.
November 16, 2012: 

With Frank Gaffney, Michael Mukasey, Herb London, and Bill Gertz
Fred Grandy hosts todays show which examines former CIA direct Petraeus's testimony today on Capitol Hill in which he seems to have a different viewpoint than the Obama Administration on the attack in Benghazi. Former judge Michael Mukasey also explains how the Obama Administration was debating about releasing the architect of the first World Trade Center attack. If this story did not come to light, would the president have released this master terrorist?
November 15, 2012:

With Adam Kredo, Mark Groombridge, Monica Crowley and Walid Phares
Fred Grandy sits-in for Frank today and speaks with the guests about Benghazigate and the upcoming hearings on Capitol Hill. The focal point is what the president knew, when he knew it and what he decided to do about it. Each of our guests give their own take on the presidents role in the aftermath of the attack on the US consulate.
November 14, 2012:

With Andy Bostom, Diana West, Paul Kengor, and Claudia Rosett
Today's show focuses on the attack in Benghazi that left an American ambassador dead and many questions unanswered as to how the attack unfolded. Each guest tries to explain what happened that faithful night, both in Libya and Washington DC. What did the president know and when? Did he refuse to send aid to the consulate while it was under attack?
November 13, 2012:

With Barry Rubin, Avi Jorisch, Gordon Chang, and Andy McCarthy
Barry Rubin of the GLORIA Center sifts through the lies and cover-ups behind the Benghazi attack to try and explain what really happened and how the Obama Administration froze when it meant the most. He also looks at Israeli security in light of a recent Syrian mortar attack and an impending Yemen civil war.
Avi Jorisch of the Red Cell Intelligence Group analyzes America's "frienemy", the United Arab Emirates. The UAE financially supports Iran and other rogue entities, while claiming to be an ally of the United States. Avi analyzes the implications of not responding to the UAE's financial indiscretions.
Asian analyst Gordon Chang looks at the upcoming transition inside the Chinese Politburo and how the Conservatives on trying to hold on to a Soviet model, while the people call for political and economic reform. Gordon explores the impending collapse of the Chinese government if drastic changes don't occur and soon.
Former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy explains how the liberal media either downplays or ignores important national security issues such as the Benghazi attack and the intelligence leaks that came our of the Petraeus scandal.
THE CENTER FOR SECURITY POLICY is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security and then ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public. info@securefreedom.org