Monday, October 8, 2012

"LIBERTY" GOT US THIS!! -- From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] The Muslim Takeover of the ACLU

People are afraid to point to the 800-pound gorilla in the room, so I'll do it: It is "liberty" which got us to this point.  Since the 1930s, the ACL(F)U and kindred anti-American, anti-Western parties have taken the liberty established by our Founders, twisted and stretched it, and turned it into a weapon against those who have maintained that liberty.  And what to far too many on the Right--namely Paultards and libertarians, Glenn Beck and some of his 9/12ers--want to do?  INCREASE liberty!  They oppose the Patriot Act, NSA eavesdropping, denaturalization, etc., of worthless pond scum. 
Folks, it may be impossible for you to accept this (yet), but the American people will have to make a choice about their "liberty"--do they sacrifice some non-essential elements of it now, or do they lose ALL of it a little bit later? 
(BTW, before some idiot cites the Benjamin Franklin quote at me, they need to actually look it up first.  They will find that his statement referred specifically to "essential" liberties, while mine refers to the NON-essential liberties he implicitly acknowledges exist.  I won't bother looking up a link, because those people need to exercise of actually checking on things, rather than pulling Akins.)

Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2012 10:33 AM
Subject: [New post] The Muslim Takeover of the ACLU
actforamericahouston posted: "by Daniel Greenfield Yesterday I mentioned that the ACLU had completely discredited itself with its non-response to the Nakoula case, now IBD offers some insight into the state of affairs at the ACLU. The ACLU now counts at least eight Muslims on"
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New post on ACT! for America Houston

The Muslim Takeover of the ACLU

by actforamericahouston
by Daniel Greenfield Yesterday I mentioned that the ACLU had completely discredited itself with its non-response to the Nakoula case, now IBD offers some insight into the state of affairs at the ACLU. The ACLU now counts at least eight Muslims on its national executive staff alone. In fact, a Muslim runs the ACLU's Center for Democracy, while another heads [...]
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