Saturday, October 20, 2012

From NRA: This ad can defeat Obama

 Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 5:05 PM
Subject: This ad can defeat Obama
This ad can defeat Obama
NRA-ILA Gun Rights Action Alert - Watch this video!
This ad can defeat Obama! Watch this video Dear LEE,

I need your help and I need it as soon as possible.

First, please watch this video. You'll be one of the first to see it.

It's a stark reminder about just how dangerous America will become if Barack Obama wins reelection on November 6th.

After you watch it, I think you'll agree that we need to get this ad on the air in every key battleground state as soon as we can.

There is no question in my mind that this ad can turn undecided voters against Obama and defeat him on Election Day, but I need your help to make it happen.
Please, whatever you can afford to send right now -- $10, $15, $20, $55, or more -- every dollar will go toward running this ad in Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Virginia, and every other key swing state that could decide this election.
Please let me hear from you today. It's now or never for the future of our freedom!

Thank you.

In Freedom,
Chris W. Cox
Chairman, NRA-PVF
Watch this video
NRA-ILA Gun Rights Action Alert - Watch this video!

National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund * 11250 Waples Mill Road * Fairfax, VA 22030