Thursday, October 4, 2012

From National Rifle Association: NRA makes endorsement for President

Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 4:58 PM
Subject: NRA makes endorsement for President
NRA makes endorsement for president
Dear LEE

I'm proud to announce today that your NRA Political Victory Fund is endorsing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for President and Vice President of the United States.

Mitt Romney came to our annual NRA Leadership Forum earlier this year. He looked you, me and every one of our fellow NRA members straight in the eye and pledged to uphold and defend our Second Amendment freedoms.

Mitt Romney will appoint pro-Second Amendment judges to the Supreme Court...defend our sovereign Right to Keep and Bear Arms from the U.N. gun ban treaty...and protect our fundamental right to use a firearm in self-defense!

On the other hand, Barack Obama has spent his entire career trying to take away your freedom to own, use, and carry a firearm.

Whatever you can afford to give RIGHT NOW -- $10, $15, $20, $50, $100 or more -- every dollar will support our nationwide grassroots effort to rally gun owners to elect Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan on Election Day.

Your contribution today will help us contact every gun owner we can reach...knock on tens of thousands of doors... run radio and TV ads in key swing states...and make sure every gun-owning patriot gets to the polls on Election Day!

It's now or never for the rest of our lives. The choice is clear. Please let me hear from you today. Thank you!!!


Chris W. Cox
Executive Director

P.S. The latest polls show that the race for the White House will be decided by just a few percentage points in a handful of key swing states...states where gun ownership and hunting are respected parts of American life.

That means you -- as an NRA member -- can have a personal and powerful impact on November's election. But only if you help NRA-ILA elect Romney and Ryan today!

Help NRA-ILA Defeat Obama
If you truly want to save your gun rights and your freedom from four more years of Barack Obama, then you need to help NRA's Institute for Legislative Action lead the fight to elect Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan today.
Help NRA-ILA Defeat Obama

National Rifle Association - Institute for Legislative Action (* 11250 Waples Mill Road * Fairfax, VA 22030