Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Muslim pResident to urge UN to confront roots of Muslim rage; Teabrainers: "Uhh... I don'ts know 'bout dat stuff."

"[The] roots of Muslim rage"--It's called JIHAD.  Islam is an inherently aggressive theo-political construct, with a "rage" which can only be "confronted" with brute force and violence, crushing its Shariah-promoting elements into non-existence.  It should be treated with at least as much hatred as German Nazism and Japanese militant Shintoism. 
As for the domestic political impact of all this, the Tea Party remains silent on the matter.  After all, the Teabrained NON-patriots "[aren't] sure [they] can (even) tell you the difference in Iraq and Iran" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvj6zdWLUuk&feature=player_detailpage#t=86s ).  Hell, they can't even tell the difference in Muslims and Sikhs!  (Please, if any of you decide to do a shoot-'em-up of a mosque, at least make sure it's actually a mosque!)  And they think "Libya" is a female body part!