Friday, September 14, 2012

Libertarian tweets 1750-1815

If modern technology had existed then, this is just a sampling of what "freedom of speech" would have enabled to spread throughout our society and around the world during this time:
1754: "Colonies launch imperialistic war against French and Indians."
1757: "Colonies' imperialistic war entangles peaceful Europeans."
1750s-1760s: "WAR CRIME! Diseased blankets forced on French and Indians."
1763: "Treaty of Paris: Imperialistic land grab by American colonists."
1770: "The 'Boston Massacre' was an inside job."
1773: "The 'Boston Tea Party' was a FALSE FLAG operation."
1775: "NWO fires unprovoked 'shot heard 'round the world'."
1776: "NWO 'Declaration of Dependence' (on NWO) approved."
1777: "Foreign dignitaries supporting 'American' NWO."
1778: "Foreign troops on 'American' soil."
1783: "Treaty of Paris: Recognition of NWO state forced on UK."
1787: "New 'constitution' takes power from states, empowers Military Industrial Complex."
1793: "NWO tyrant George Washington forces tax on peaceful farmers at bayonet point."
1795: "Jay's Treaty: Forcing NWO trade on UK."
1790s-1815: "Barbary 'Pirates' are simply blowback for American crusades."
1812: "Military-Industrial Complex starts unnecessary war with peaceful UK."
1814: "GEN Jackson guilty of war crime in New Orleans."
1815: "Treaty of Ghent: War a draw, only NWO benefits."
1815: "Commodore Decatur guilty of war crimes against peaceful Muslim 'pirates'."
In short, remember this: Libertarians are not patriots.