Sunday, September 16, 2012

From NRA: Freedom Times, Issue no. 83

Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 6:00 PM
Subject: Freedom Times, Issue no. 83

September 2012

GOP Adopts Strongly Pro-Gun Platform
By NRA Institute for Legislative Action

As each party does every four years as part of their national conventions, this week, the Republican Party adopted its platform detailing the general beliefs and policy positions of the party...

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Democratic Party Platform: Reinstate Assault Weapons Ban
By Charlie Spieringr, Washington Examine

Democrats are calling for a reinstatement of the assault weapons ban in the 2012 Party Platform, citing their belief that the right to own firearms "is subject to reasonable regulation."...

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Profiles in Cowardice: The 2012 Obama Platform
By Chris W. Cox, NRA Institute for Legislative Action

President Obama is running from a crime scene. Rather than acknowledge the deadly truth about how the anti-gun policies he promoted as a state senator have utterly failed the good people of Chicago, Obama is hoping that a not-so-subtle change in the Democratic Party platform will sweep it all under the rug...

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Exclusive: Fast and Furious IG Report Slams ATF Phoenix Personnel
By Sharyl Attkisson, CBS News

The Inspector General (IG) draft report on Fast and Furious heaps blame on the Phoenix-based staff of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) according to those familiar with the document...

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Attorney General Holder Agrees to Present Tucson Shooting Signatures to President Barack Obama
By Associated Press

More than a dozen survivors and family members from the 2011 shootings in Tucson, Ariz., that wounded former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords have outlined for Attorney General Eric Holder their campaign to stem gun violence...

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Gun Restriction Appealed
By Sean O'Sullivan, Wilmington News Journal

A bill intended to ban features allowing the quick reloading of semiautomatic assault weapons has been blocked from proceeding to a vote in the Legislature...

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California Fish and Game Commission Rejects Proposed Expansion of Lead Ammo Ban
By NRA Institute for Legislative Action

In a victory for hunters and sport shooters, on August 8, the California Fish and Game Commission rejected a proposal to expand the existing ban on the use of lead ammunition that applies to hunting in certain parts of California...

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Preparing Today for Success on Election Day
By NRA Institute for Legislative Action

The engine that drives the NRA machine is you…and your tens of millions of fellow Second Amendment supporters. What should you be doing TODAY to ensure success on November 6? Here are some suggestions...

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Issue No. 83

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