Thursday, July 26, 2012

From ACT! for America: Ft. Hood report cites political correctness

Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 9:25 AM
Subject: Ft. Hood report cites political correctness
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Ft. Hood report "cites political correctness"

Dear Lee,

We have maintained from the beginning that a top-down culture of political correctness in the military made possible Nidal Hasan's jihadist attack at Ft. Hood.

Last week, a new report that investigated how the FBI handled the run-up to the Ft. Hood massacre suggests "political correctness" played a role in decisions the FBI made regarding Hasan. See the Fox News story below.

ACT! for America has contact with many current and former FBI field agents who express, off the record, their concerns about a climate of top-down political correctness at the FBI. You can see this climate at work in the FBI's rewrite of its counterterrorism training materials.

It's refreshing to see a report that actually identifies political correctness as a problem.

Fort Hood report faults FBI for missteps in Hasan review, cites political correctness

Published July 19, 2012

A long-awaited report on the Fort Hood shooting faults the FBI for numerous failures in the run-up to the massacre that left 13 dead, concluding that agents' assessment of Maj. Nidal Hasan was "belated, incomplete and rushed" -- and suggesting political correctness played a role in the bureau's decision not to investigate him more thoroughly.

The report, obtained by Fox News Thursday afternoon, includes 18 specific recommendations for changes at the FBI. However, it does not recommend any disciplinary action against employees at the bureau.

The report found that the FBI "erred" in several respects -- by failing to interview Hasan when concerns were raised about his contact with known terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki; by failing to search for more email contact between Hasan and Awlaki; and by waiting too long to pursue leads on Hasan.

The FBI "erred in the process they followed to conclude that Hasan's communications with (Awlaki) were benign and acceptable," the report said. "Their assessment of Hasan was belated, incomplete and rushed, primarily because of their workload."

The report, conducted by former FBI Director William Webster over the course of two years, concludes that despite "missteps," the problems at the FBI in the lead-up to the massacre do not constitute "misconduct" that would warrant disciplinary action.


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