Thursday, June 28, 2012

From ACT! for America: Egypt's secular parties blame U.S.

Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:42 AM
Subject: Egypt's secular parties blame U.S.
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ACT! for America

June 28, 2012

Egypt's Secular Parties
Blame U.S. Pressure

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Dear Lee,

Since the toppling of Hosni Mubarek, there have been a number of reports regarding Obama administration behind-the-scenes support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The Washington Times reports the latest below.

You may recall that in 2009, when Iranians rose up in protest of the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran, President Obama refused to issue even a statement of support for the protestors. His justification was that we shouldn't get involved in the internal politics of Iran.

Apparently no such reluctance existed for the Obama administration to get involved in the internal politics of Egypt—on the side of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Egypt's Secular Parties Blame U.S. Pressure

Ahram Online
by: Ahram Online
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Egyptian protesters celebrate the victory of Mohammed Morsi of the presidential election in Tahrir square in Cairo, Egypt, Sunday, June 24. Photo Credit:AP/Mohammed Abu Zaid

Egyptian secular and liberal parties sounded dissatisfaction over the reported support of the US for Muslim Brotherhood's presidential candidate, Mohamed Mursi, but affirmed they would accept the results of the elections due to be announced Sunday.

During a press conference Saturday, representatives of the Free Egyptians Party, the Democratic Front Party, the Revolution Continues Coalition, the Tagammu Party and the Kifaya Movement opened fire on the Brotherhood, voicing suspicion over the group's sudden change of stance towards the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF). ...

Several speakers at the press conference further condemned what they believe to be US intervention in Egypt's domestic affairs. Harb claimed the US was pressuring SCAF to hand over power to the Muslim Brotherhood. "We refuse that the reason someone wins is because he is backed by the Americans," said Harb demanding that the Brotherhood should refuse US intervention.


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