Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How I want our society judged

A society can be judged by how it treats its weakest members--children, animals, mentally challeged people, etc.--and its prisoners. I want our society judged as one that gave both sets what they deserved.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio does that.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Re-Elect Joe Arpaio info@reelectjoearpaio.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 5:06 PM
Subject: Eric Holder Sues Sheriff Joe Arpaio; Sheriff Joe Vows to Fight!
Eric Holder Sues Sheriff Joe Arpaio; Sheriff Joe Vows to Fight!
joe arpaio
Dear Friends:

You've probably heard by now that the Obama Justice Department has filed a civil rights lawsuit against me.

This lawsuit is purely political and is a blatant and futile attempt to intimidate me from doing my job to enforce illegal immigration laws.

What this Administration really wants is to take over my office. I will tell you right now, that is never going to happen. I am the duly elected Sheriff of Maricopa County and I only answer to the people who elected me.

I'm happy they're taking me to court. Now we can finally get the facts on the table and have a real discussion about what their motives are.

This Department of Justice has worked hand-in-hand with the ultra-liberal ACLU, radical leftists and the open-borders crowd to weaken my chances for re-election this year.

I have been so humbled and grateful for the outpouring of support from my constituents and the great, law-abiding people of this country who have called me and offered their support.

This is going to be a big, nasty battle. I'm up against the most powerful government in the world. But I'm not going to back down one inch because I know what I'm doing is right. After all, I'm doing the job the federal government is supposed to be doing!

If Obama and Eric Holder don't like the job I'm doing they should change the laws. Period.

So, I need your help today now more than ever before. Will you join me in this fight?

Please know that asking you for a financial contribution is the last thing I want to do. But if I don't I know my political opponents will only be further emboldened to see me removed from office.

Your contribution today of $430, $200, $100, $50 or even $35 to Re-Elect Joe Arpaio will give our campaign the resources to beat back against these ridiculous allegations and help me win another term as Sheriff.

You can join this fight by clicking here.

I cannot thank you enough for your encouragement and support and look forward to hearing from you soon.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County, Arizona

P.S. Even if you do not live in Maricopa County, Arizona please know that we have become the gateway for illegal immigration in this country which affects your community as well. Please click here to support my campaign.

And, one final question: Will you forward this email to four or five of your closest friends? I need to get my message out to those who stand with us in enforcing the laws of this country. Thank you!
Paid for by Re-Elect Joe Arpaio 2012