Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A good lesson in NON-Teabrainer political science -- From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] Going Undercover in Sweden’s Mosques

The full article does a great job of laying out the liberal/Left approach to such issues, and might help the less educated conservatives in America understand why the Left does what it does. The discussion of how the Swedish program essentially played two liberal positions going against traditional Western positions–pro-Islam and pro-woman–against each other is quite instructive. Liberals (and I hate to be too partisan, but I must here) take sides based on which side in a dispute goes the most against traditional Western values. Think of it as a graphic where traditional Western values are at the center of a bunch of concentric circles. The further away from tradition a given position or agenda gets, the further out on the circles it is, and the more sympathetic toward it liberals are. Thus, liberals find themselves on the one hand being pro-feminist, and on the other hand, pro-Islamic.
This of course inevitably creates conflicts and contradictions in any objective examination. Those two positions are a classic example–Islam is anti-woman (yes, I said it)–but liberal "Critical Theory" calls for holding both. (I recommend this: http://youtu.be/EjaBpVzOohs to help conservatives understand the political reality of Left versus Right, instead of the uneducated and unsophisticated, "Well, I jes' kinda think" pseudo-intelligence I usually hear from Tea Party types and others.) Both feminism and Islam (as an anti-Western force–as Ann Coulter says, "If it weren't for the terrorism, liberals would hate Muslims") are far from the traditionalist, "center" position. The news program played the two liberal agenda-positions against each other, and when paired with the other concessions to PC and dhimmihood, managed to slip something through the wall.
I'm actually a little surprised the channel got away with it. Feminism is not as far distant from traditional Western values as Islam. However, as the article notes, Swedish society is VERY devoted to gender equality (one preschool even forbade the use of masculine and feminine pronouns by the kids, requiring them to refer to each other as "friend," regardless of sex), and apparently the sheer weight of upholding a "traditionally oppressed minority" which is in fact the majority overrode both fears of terrorism and liberals' love of any movement which kills Western soldiers.
Please, folks, don't be too myopic or narrow-focused on the mere issue at hand–Islamic treatment of women–or even the broader issue of Islamic corruption of Western society. Use the dynamic laid out by what happened here to broaden your educated understanding of political science. Yes, I know it requires thinking and work, but it is worth it. Too many on the conservative/Right of the spectrum simply don't do the thinking and work, and frankly they come across as idiots. Learn the science of this, apply its principles, and then express your positions. While again, I hate to be too partisan on matters of national security, I must say that learning these lessons will help all the way around.

Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:35 AM
Subject: [New post] Going Undercover in Sweden's Mosques

New post on ACT! for America Houston

Going Undercover in Sweden's Mosques

by actforamericahouston
by Bruce Bawer ....On to Uppsala, where Abdul Wadod – who, amusingly, looked not unlike Sasha Baron Cohen with a beard – told the woman that when her husband hits her, she shouldn't call the cops; she should apologize.  Apologize?  Yes.  He cited what he called "a very fine hadith," which, according to him, says [...]
actforamericahouston | May 21, 2012 at 11:35 pm | Tags: creeping sharia, Islam, sharia law, treatment of women | Categories: Backwards, Barbaric, Deceit, Islam, Sharia Law | URL: http://wp.me/p1ggVf-26s
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