Saturday, May 19, 2012

From ACT! for America: [New post] How Politically Correct Liberals Left a Muslim Gang Free to Rape British Girls

THIS, more than ObamaCare, is a "war on women"--on White, Western women!
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 4:29 PM
Subject: [New post] How Politically Correct Liberals Left a Muslim Gang Free to Rape British Girls

New post on ACT! for America Houston

How Politically Correct Liberals Left a Muslim Gang Free to Rape British Girls

by actforamericahouston
By Mike McNally Nine men were jailed in Britain last week for raping and abusing dozens of girls aged as young as 13 over a period of several years in the northern town of Rochdale. The men plied the girls with drink and drugs before assaulting them, in a practice known by the appalling euphemism [...]
actforamericahouston | May 18, 2012 at 3:29 pm | Tags: Islam, political correctness, rape, rape British girls, sharia law | Categories: Islam, Political Correctness, Rape, Uncategorized, Weakness | URL: