Monday, March 19, 2012

Proper response to years of anti-gun policies

We often see the PC demands for treatment of certain minorities.  Well, here are some ideas drawn from their actions to show how police departments and other institutions should respond to the dire need to rectify centuries of discrimination against that most downtrodden of demographics--ARMS-BEARERS!  With the changes in both law and public opinion, and the precedent set in the "civil rights" and "women's liberation" movement, as well as the demands of the pro-sheethead dhimmis today, these actions are essential for the equivalent treatment of this minority.
  • Sensitivity training for law enforcement officers in their treatment of the minority called, "the Second Amendment community," especially those called, "concealed-carry permit holders," all under the class "Armed-American." 
  • Special consideration in official actions for this class, given the long history of law enforcement in this country discriminating against exercisers of Second Amendment rights. 
  • Reparations payable to the descendants of people who would have privately bore arms, but for the discrimination and persecution.
  • Official public apologies for centuries of discrimination.
  • Resignations of any and all public officials uttering any statements against arms-bearing, and prosecution of officials imposing anti-gun policies.
  • Police officers be required to attend--disarmed--such things as NRA events and gun shows as an outreach to the Second Amendment community.
  • Congressional and legislative set-aside districts guaranteeing pro-gun representatives are elected.
  • Any criticism of a Second Amendment community member by a non-member be considered "arms-ism".
  • Immediate implementation of my 'Guns for Ghettos" program, to put free or low-cost weaponry into the hands of deserving poor people.
  • ALL TV shows add a concealed-carrier character to their story.
  • Warning labels on all anti-gun books, movies, shows, etc., saying that their presentation of pro-gun people is a product of that time, and had they been produced today, the presentation would have been far different.
  • Immediate steps to end institutional "arms-ism" in public and business settings.
  • Presumption of guilt against any law enforcement officer acting in any way against this traditionally oppressed minority.
  • (Optional) The disarming of all police at all times, while generally requiring everybody else of age and standing in society to be armed.

That is not all, of course, but it would be a nice start.