Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The great James David Manning on a role! -- Fwd: "Black Folk Don't Know How to Run No Nation"

The great James David Manning on a role!

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Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:00 PM
Subject: Fwd: "Black Folk Don't Know How to Run No Nation"

Notice the phrase is in quotes…I didn't say it.  A Black man said it!
 It takes no guts to listen to the media constantly attack with their biased double-standard trash a white republican presidents, or white conservative radio talk show hosts, or a white republican women…the media is awash with that kind of over the top propaganda....they love making great sport of it, like gladiators in a coliseum in the days of old, doing the bidding of the King in destroying those the King had marked for public humiliation and death…they love doing such favors for the King, protecting him, and currying his favor… Rewarding each other with trophies and prestigious awards for the meanest, cruelest, cleverest, and most ruthless of their peers who've made it their life's work destroying publicly those the King has condemned.
What does take guts, is to listen to an opposing opinion of the King; to listen to both sides; make a judgment based on reasoned logical and empirical evidence; coming to a conclusion and a course of action based on truth, not on emotion, covetousness, greed, and a lust for mob vengeance in the hopes of sharing in the King's bounty and booty.