Thursday, March 15, 2012

GREAT ANTI-ISLAM AD!! -- Article from ACT! for America--Houston: Hypocrisy & Sharia Compliance from the New York Times

It is a knock-off on an anti-Catholic ad the New York Times accepted from the Freedom From Religion Foundation.  Yet the NYT rejected this ad.  I would wonder why, except that it's obvious: Muslims are inherently violent and would react violently to this appeal to their weaker elements.  See also

Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 8:09 PM
Subject: [New post] Hypocrisy & Sharia Compliance from the New York Times

New post on ACT! for America Houston

Hypocrisy & Sharia Compliance from the New York Times

by witnesstojihad
National Review is reporting that the New York Times has rejected a full-page anti-Islam advertisement sponsored by anti-jihad activist and blogger – and AFLC client – Pamela Geller. The ad was a mimicry of a vile and offensive full-page anti-Catholic ad published by the Times last week and sponsored by the atheist Freedom from Religion Foundation. [...]
witnesstojihad | March 15, 2012 at 7:09 pm | Tags: Civilization jihad | Categories: Censorship, Dhimmitude, Islam, Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim intimidation, Pamela Geller, Political Correctness, Religion of Peace | URL:
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