Wednesday, March 21, 2012

From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] A Kafir Brotherhood

Efforts along the lines of a "Jihad Brotherhood" have been and are being made.  There is an "American Defense League," modeled after the UK's English Defence League, and a "United States Defense League."  United West and even ACT! for America both do similar things, even reaching internationally. 
The problem is that the theoretical "Kafir Brotherhood" all agree on about 90 percent of issues... and let the 10 percent of disagreement react with their purist inclinations and block cooperation and cohesion.  How many times on A4A's Facebook page does a Second Amendment advocate--and I'm pro-gun--go off complaining about championing anti-gun but pro-GWOT New York Republican REP Peter King?  How many Christians won't work with non-Christians?  How many...  Well, I could go on and on. 
And of course, there is the ego thing--everybody wants their own little group or work, or want everything as they wish.  And so we see little groups form, not as chapters or cadres, but as independent operations.  It's almost childlike.  I volunteer on a forum site for young people of all ages, and years ago we had a rash of kids all setting up their own little chinsy forums.  Everybody wanted everybody else to join their forum and post there.  Of course, no one could be a part of everything, and just about all of them collapsed.  And the original main site suffered a bit as well.  But every kid wanted their own thing, many of them tried to have their own thing, and most of those failed, causing hurt feelings, demoralization, and an undercutting of the larger purpose.  Too many adults are simply really big children with more money and bigger issues to hurt.
To accomplish something akin to what is laid out in the article will require prioritization of positions, compartmentalization of issues, and subordination of preferences.  In simpler terms: Pick THE important thing, separate out other things, and follow the lead set by the leaders (even when it's not quite the best).  That's not easy for traditional Americans to do.  That's not easy at all for modern American conservatives to do.  And it's darn near impossible for most libertarian-minded people to do.  But it must be done--that attitude must be set--and only then, with that attitude, can the next step be taken.-   
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 6:57 PM
Subject: [New post] A Kafir Brotherhood

New post on ACT! for America Houston

A Kafir Brotherhood

by actforamericahouston
By Bill Warner Every where we look today we see the organized power of Islam. On March 8, 2012 representatives from 20 chapters of CAIR met with 113 Congressional offices. Is it a problem that CAIR can do this powerful political move? No. The problem is that Kafirs (non-Muslims) have no response to such a large organized [...]
actforamericahouston | March 21, 2012 at 5:57 pm | Tags: Infiltration, Islam, Islamic jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, strategic planning | Categories: Islam, Muslim Brotherhood | URL:
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