Thursday, March 29, 2012

From ACT! for America: Hezbollah: Threat to America

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Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 12:43 PM
Subject: Hezbollah: Threat to America
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ACT! for America

March 28, 2012

Hezbollah: Threat to Israel,
Threat to America

Dear Lee,

The report below reiterates what Brigitte Gabriel, President of ACT! for America, has been saying for years—that Hezbollah operatives and terrorists are active in America.

This Friday, a "Global march to Jerusalem" will take place, which will include the usual gaggle of jihadists, anti-Semites, anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian activists, and terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah. According to its organizers, the march is "comprised of a diverse coalition…who are united in the struggle to liberate the holy city of Jerusalem (the city of peace) from illegal Zionist occupation."

Global march organizers further claim that their "aim is to end the Zionist policies of apartheid, ethnic cleansing and Judaization, which all harm the people, land and sanctity of Jerusalem." (No mention of the fact that over one million Arabs are citizens of Israel, who enjoy equal rights with Jewish citizens of Israel.)

Join us in calling on President Obama and the Congress to condemn this march and stand with Israel, an effort sponsored by the National Conference on Jewish Affairs, a pro-America, pro-Israel organization.

You can add your name to this petition here.

When it comes to Islamic militancy and terrorism, Israel is the "canary in the coal mine." We stand with Israel as an ally against the rising tide of radical Islam across the globe.

Hezbollah Agents, Funders
at Large in America

Hundreds of Hezbollah agents are suspected to be working in the United States, and the terror group enjoys the support of "several thousand sympathetic donors" across the country, according to an investigative report issued earlier today by the House's Homeland Security Committee.

"Pinning down a reliable estimate of the number of Hezbollah operatives who now reside inside the U.S. is difficult because of their operational security expertise," an outline of the report stated. "But some officials estimate that, based on cases uncovered since 9/11, there are likely several thousand sympathetic donors, while operatives probably number in the hundreds."

The committee also revealed that Hezbollah sympathizers have been involved in 21 legal cases since 2002—though the links of the accused to the militant group was not necessarily revealed.

"Most Hezbollah-linked federal defendants have been Lebanese nationals or naturalized U.S. citizens from Lebanon; many of those charged by the Department of Justice over the past decade remain at large in Lebanon," the report states.

"Many defendants were known or suspected of having military training or direct combat experience against Israeli forces," according the report. "Some were quietly convicted of fraud and deported as criminal aliens without their Hezbollah background being publicly disclosed by prosecutors." Hezbollah—more than any other terror group—has the unique ability to flip "a U.S.-based fundraising cell into a lethal terror force, should Iran decide that is in its interests," the report states.


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