Friday, March 23, 2012

ADDENDUM -- Fw: From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] Suicidal Democracy

The biggest point of this article is this:
Concern exists that passage of SB 1360 would have ushered in restrictions on other religious courts, such as Halakhah.  But a crucial difference that is overlooked is that "some  Muslim sharia [forces] have pressed for their decisions to carry legal force in the national law. In contrast, no similar pressure has been exerted by the rabbinical courts. A fundamental principal in democracies is that equality before the law must refer to all citizens, [and] take care to maintain the wall of separation between church and state. By contrast, shariah law has been used to justify breaches or defiance of national, secular law."  As delineated by Michael Curtis, "[t]he rabbinical courts do not seek to be in disharmony with national law. By contrast shariah law has been used, on the basis of religious principle to justify breaches or defiance of national, secular law, the question of polygamy being a notorious example.
David Yerushalmi, an Orthodox lawyer, argues that sharia differs from Halakhah or Christian canon law because it sanctions jihad, which he says amounts to sedition through seeking the overthrow of governments through nonviolent and violent means.
It is good to address this issue.  By offering a definite distinction between Shariah and Jewish and Christian law--and most other religious laws as well--it helps silence civil libertarian arguments against anti-Shariah laws.
The title is an understatement.
Read the entire article here at  I am reminded of the British Muslim who said, "We will use your democracy to destroy your democracy"--and through that, our Western culture.  Americans and Westerners need to reevaluate their democracy from a PC-rejecting perspective of reality.
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 12:49 PM
Subject: [New post] Suicidal Democracy

New post on ACT! for America Houston

Suicidal Democracy

by actforamericahouston
By Eileen F. Toplansky Islamic sharia law continues its subtle and menacing march into Europe as well as into the United States. According to Soeren Kern of Stonegate, "[a] radical Islamic preacher in Spain has been arrested for calling on Muslims to use physical and psychological violence to 'discipline' errant wives who refuse to submit [...]
actforamericahouston | March 23, 2012 at 11:49 am | Tags: Infiltration, injustice, Islam, Islamic jihad, sharia law | Categories: Backwards, Barbaric, Islam | URL:
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