Friday, February 24, 2012

From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] Why Is the U.S. Apologizing for Scorched Qurans?

What I don't understand is, why would the ZOG-controlled media cover this up for their Jewish masters' enemies?  Since the Israelis engineered 9/11 to get America to fight their enemies, one would expect their propaganda organs to explain this whole thing to the American people. 
I'm confused.  Maybe Ron Paul can explain it.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: ACT! for America Houston <>
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 1:34 PM
Subject: [New post] Why Is the U.S. Apologizing for Scorched Qurans?

New post on ACT! for America Houston

Why Is the U.S. Apologizing for Scorched Qurans?

by actforamericahouston
By Diana West ....Mr. and Mrs. America, boys and girls, welcome to the Global War on Quran-Burning, as led by the United States Masochists To Make the World Safe for Shariah (Islamic law). If a column could have special effects, this is where piercing beams of sunlight would dispel clouds of confusion as pink bunnies [...]
actforamericahouston | February 24, 2012 at 1:34 pm | Tags: Islam | Categories: Appeasement, Barbaric, Islam, Religion of Peace, Sharia Law | URL:
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