Monday, February 20, 2012

From ACT! for America--Houston: [New post] The Muslim War Against Europe – Intimidation, Death Threats & Murder

There is no longer any justification for denying that Shariah Islam--that is, Islam as practiced by 90 percent of people called themselves, "sheethe...," ur, I mean, "Muslim-"-is inherently dangerous. Its spirit is one of violence against our civilization, and its spiritual leaders are hostile in sufficient numbers and to a sufficient degree as to warrant--even demand--that they be declared categorically a threat. No one is more genuinely sensitive to the concerns of minority religions than yours truly, yet I am forced to the conclusion that Islam must be wiped out of public life. As I've said before, allow the Muslim his or her individual devotions and private spirituality, but public displays must be eliminated, and Muslim-led states (exempting Albania and Kosovo, if they cooperate--Indonesia should be given one slender chance to clean up its act, as well) ought to be subjugated and put under tribute as reparations for 1400 years of Jihad. Mecca and Medina should be drained of people and isolated, and the mosques on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem should be demolished (this will please the evangelical and Zionist Christians to no end--let the Temple of Israel be rebuilt!). These mosques should also be the ONLY ones on the planet not drenched in pig's blood. (And as for ZOG conspiracy theorists, let them bring forth their proof once and for all--names, places, dates, recordings, specific collusions going back thousands of years--or let their theories die.)
If Mormons acted a tenth like this, Salt Lake City would be under martial law and every LDS temple in the country razed to the ground.
[Comment I left on the YouTube page to a ridiculous post by an obvious--and idiotic--Taqiyya practitioner: Tell me, does that shitrag on your head do a Pinocchio act and get bigger every time you put out some Taqiyya shit like that? If so, with that post it must be the size of the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man. (BTW, there are pig parts in some marshmellows, so don't even touch them--we can arrange to have them air-dropped on your mosque for you, no problem).] (EDITED FOR SPELLING ERROR)

Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 5:08 PM
Subject: [New post] The Muslim War Against Europe – Intimidation, Death Threats & Murder

New post on ACT! for America Houston

The Muslim War Against Europe – Intimidation, Death Threats & Murder

by actforamericahouston
actforamericahouston February 19, 2012 at 5:08 pm Tags: creeping sharia, Islam, Islamic jihad, sharia law, stealth jihad, terrorism Categories: Islam, Jihad, Lack of freedom URL:
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