Sunday, January 22, 2012

Why "the economy" is a bad basis for challenging Obama

"[The economy]'s getting better"--Mitt Romney.  This is not a slam on him or his campaigning.  Indeed, I appreciate his honesty on this.
The Rachel Madcow video after the article linked to below is worth watching.  Yes, she's a dyko-bitch, but compared to the rest of her network, she's rather measured.
COMMENT: Basing a conservative campaign on "the economy" is faulty all the way around.  If things are bad, people will want welfare and government intervention of a type conservatives won't do (unless they follow my plan of military build-up and a for-profit GWOT II).  If things improve, bringing attention to the economy, even if looking to the past, brings attention to something for which the incumbent administration can take credit.  And quite frankly, between the natural function of our economic fundamentals, media bias, and the natural human tendency to adapt to "new realities," a bad free-market economy without a new pressure will almost by nature at least SEEM to improve. 
So, I reiterate a point I've been making since, oh, 2007, that Obama should be opposed on more principled grounds.  Here are some such grounds:
-He's a Black nationalist.
-He's a Muslim.
-He's, regardless of eligibility, only barely an American.
-He's been weakening our defense.
-He's been trying to defeat us in Iraq.
-He's been trying to defeat us in Afghanistan.
-He's been trying to defeat us around the world (well, except for Libya, and that's a story in itself).
-He's been apologizing for America.
-He's pro-abortion, talking about a hypothetical grandchild as a "punish[ment]" for his daughter.
-He's anti-gun, and has taken steps against Second Amendment rights.
-He's a Marxist with associations to Leftist-Socialist parties and a history of palling around with terrorists.
-He's a devotee of REV Jeremiah Wright and appreciates Louis Farrakhan.
-He's anti-White.
-He's the biggest narcissist President (pResident) ever.
-He's following severely unconstitutional paths on discretionary and entitlement domestic policies.
And the list goes on. 
Relying on "the economy" is to bet against the American nation.  And while they are largely a bunch of idiots (see 2008), they are an industrious and quality people in a blessed land.  The economy will get better.  On the other hand, the heritage, cultural, and security effects of this pResidency are things which won't get better without severe political change.  (NOTE: Ron Paul would still be worse.  Yes, WORSE!  Saving the heritage while losing the country cancels itself out--the heritage is still lost.)  And if economic matters continue to improve (like, if the price of fuel and ammo goes down--that's the extent of my concern about economic matters, as I can live in my vehicle and scrounge for food if necessary), a econo-centric GOP candidate will have nothing.
Think patriotism, folks, not pocketbooks.