Wednesday, January 25, 2012

From NRAILA: Your signature can beat Obama

Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 10:28 AM
Subject: Your signature can beat Obama
Do you want to keep it?

Sign your petition today to help beat Obama in November!

Dear LEE,
Please take a minute today to sign this petition.
NRA's Political Victory Fund is about to launch our campaign to defeat President Barack Obama and save American freedom in this critical election year.
And I need your signature on this petition so we can hit the ground running!
Over the past three years, you and I have witnessed President Obama try to dismantle our American freedoms at an alarming rate.
And you and I both know that Barack Obama will gut the Second Amendment if he gets the chance.
Obama has already appointed two anti-Second Amendment justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, endorsed the proposed U.N. gun-ban treaty, and tried to blame American gun owners like you and me for Mexican drug crime.
He even circumvented Congress to force law-abiding Americans who purchase multiple long rifles in Mexican border states to have their transactions reported to the federal government.
But if he's reelected to a second term, Obama will push the most extreme elements of his gun ban agenda in every corner of America.
Your signed petition demands that our elected leaders fight publicly and forcefully to cut the legs out from under Obama's anti-gun campaign machine...
Or they will face the consequences on Election Day.
Defeating Barack Obama will be a huge challenge, but I am confident that with your signed petitions and financial support, we can make history together.
Over the past ten national elections, you and I have successfully defeated thousands of anti-gun candidates at all levels of government.
You were the reason we beat Al Gore in 2000 with a relentless ground effort that destroyed his chances in the big gun and hunting states.
In 2004, you helped NRA-PVF when it mattered most, and we exposed John Kerry's anti-gun record, ruined his credibility with gun owners, and beat him at the polls.

And now you hold the key to defeating Barack Obama.

That's because this November's election will be won or lost in key battleground states where gun ownership and hunting are respected parts of American life.
We can make Barack Obama a one-term president if NRA-PVF has the full strength and resources we need to affect just three percent of the vote in this year's critical swing states.
I know you'll get many requests from other organizations that want your support this election season.
Many of these groups are looking to raise big money so they can buy influence from all sides on Election Day. But NRA-PVF doesn't do that.
When you invest in NRA-PVF, you invest in freedom. And no organization over the past 20 years has given you a better return on your investment than NRA-PVF.
So if you believe as I do that the key to saving American freedom is defeating Barack Obama and his anti-gun allies at ALL levels of government this fall...
We have only ten short months to go before the biggest election of our lives and NRA-PVF needs your signed petition and your financial support today to launch our election year campaign.
Thank you for your leadership and your dedication to our shared cause.
Chris W. Cox
Chairman, NRA-PVF

National Rifle Association - Institute for Legislative Action * 11250 Waples Mill Road * Fairfax, VA 22030